Sunday 21 July 2013

An Honest Elephant

We're now over the 365 day challenge half way mark! Just a few reads away from my blog being read 5000 times! In over 15 countries!

I don't know how that fairs against other blogs...for me though, it's not a competition. Just a way of showing myself that, yes, I do finish things. Lots of things! That, yes, I can set up my own business, and run it. Despite what life throws at me...

Everyday I hope I sound positive. However...the past few months have been pretty darn tough. I want to share some things with you...

Back in some roses are blue. I wrote I had received some bad news. I didn't say what news. It's always a balancing act with writing a blog...what to share...what not to. This time it was a definite not to. Privacy was needed. Mr C's Dad had died.

The funeral was a week later...two days before my planned business launch. With Mr C's, and his family's blessing, I went ahead; I held a small launch party with family and friends.

All this has happened within 10 months of Mr C himself having open heart surgery...and me finding out I suffer with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

In part...the PTSD is down to an articulated lorry picking a fight with me and my car when I was driving home for Christmas. Ironically, Chris Rea's song 'Driving Home for Christmas' was playing on the radio at the moment of impact. I kid you not.

I am learning to manage I know that's what I have...and having finally got the help I needed to learn how to manage it (by ensuring I get a full nights healthily...get exercise...spend time with family and friends...mainly be calm and relax). It's true...laughter is the best medicine. So is being positive and getting on with things.

Writing my blog and setting up my business has helped. A new start. A big challenge. It's proved to me I can still achieve. Whatever the circumstances. I hope it inspires you to do the same.

Here's an elephant I made out of Fimo.

I found out recently that they suffer with PTSD too.

There is an amazing sanctuary in provides refuge to elephants who have suffered trauma.

You can sponsor the elephants in the I sponsor one that shares it's name with my sister...who's best friend was an elephant with my name!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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