Monday 1 July 2013

A Dress for a Bridesmaid

It was a late one last night...stuffing cushions until midnight. As soon as I was out of bed this was on with the cushion stuffing again!

A quick break when a friend came round for coffee...which wasn't really a break as we talked business business business!

A quick re-write of my 'To-Do' list...ticked off a few points...then it's on with sewing tonight to clear the way for a couple of admin days before getting back to sewing and making products for the craft fair on Saturday.

I've just this minute received confirmation that I have a table on Saturday! So...I'll be at the Ruby Country Market in Hatherleigh from 9am until 2pm (not 9pm until 2am as it says on their website). I'm Number 1 in the Bull Pen. I now have this vision of sharing the pen with a bull...hopefully not! It's meant to be a sunny day so should be good!

I'm still in Vietnam...wishful thinking...

Here's me with my sister on her wedding day. I'm wearing a dress I had made at the same time as my Ao dai. It's made out of raw silk and, coincidentally, fitted in with her colour scheme just perfectly.

The bouquet is the one from A Bouquet for a it's original fresh technicolour.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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