Thursday 18 July 2013

Up Up Up and Away!

Its getting hot in here!

By early afternoon I had to be kind to my sewing machine and stop using it before it went into melt down due to heat exhaustion...back to the ironing then...not really the best thing to do on a hot sunny day.

One of my dearest friends...we call each bruv and sis as we've been friends since high school...came round to see me today.

He came to collect his of my cushions...a 40th wedding anniversary present for his Mum and Dad. A very happy anniversary Mr & Mrs B! xx

My birds are flying off into the wild...into new homes!

Here's a cross stitch my Mum did for me.

Winnie The Pooh. I've been a bit of a fan since I was little. my primary school bag...which I still have...tucked away.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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