Saturday 31 August 2013

Embroidered Ivy Leaves

Me and Mr C have had a lovely afternoon down in Westward Ho! mooching round the shops...having a cream tea...then doing the rounds visiting our relatives.

Here's my make of the day...

I embroidered these ivy leaves some time ago on a scrap of white material I had.

My job for turn them into something more useful.

I need to go and rescue my kitchen now...he's foraging in the cupboards for food...and attempting to cook french toast...

I can only say...we have just had a discussion about the difference between a dish and a can see how this is going...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 30 August 2013

A Cushion Cover...for a Photography Studio Chair

Michelle who did my first photos for my website is going into a new studio. Very exciting!

She's been busy decorating it before the big opening on the 10th September.

She has a wicker chair that she's spray painted to match the new interior of the studio...stylish black, white and grey.

This is the cushion to go with the chair...not quite the look she is going for...

Plus, the material is old and stained...just like the cover that was made for it.

Now it has a new neutral cover.

I'm looking forward to seeing it in its new home at the grand opening!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 29 August 2013

A Desert Island...and a Reunion!

In Runaway Woman in a Bikini I showed you a little person I made out of Fimo...

I said I could only find the woman.

Here she is...not much bigger than a bobbin.

When I was running around packing for my birthday trip to Berlin...I found the man on the desert island! In pieces since his lady left... In fact...Literally!

I thought I should put him back together and his island paradise.

But I couldn't leave him on the island with his lady love's feet sat there on the sand next to him...

So I've reunited him with his lady!

Here they are walking off into the sunset...leaving their footprints in the sand.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 28 August 2013

An Angel Wall-Hanging

I'm in the middle of watching Footloose with Mr C...realised I hadn't wrote my blog...eek!

I made this Tilda inspired wall hanging for my Mum.

Embroidered on it are the words 'Wishing you a wonderful Christmas'.

Sewn on for decoration are little pink buttons and clear glass beads.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 27 August 2013

One Little Red Slipper...

I've spent the day with my Mum and two nieces doing some errands and having a coffee before we all went to the park to meet up with my sister.

Blissful day spent in the sunshine...then I'm off to the cinema with Mr C to watch the late film.

I've also been busy thinking about what designs I'm going to do for Christmas. Am excited about getting back on my sewing machine and seeing my ideas come to life!

Here's the first little red slipper I made my nieces. I asked them to try it on to see if it fitted okay.

Hmmm...too small for both of them so it was back to the drawing board to enlarge the pattern for both of them!

At some point I must make the other slipper so at least its part of a matching pair!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 26 August 2013

Little Green Slippers...part 2

A quiet day spent at home relaxing... think I needed it after three big events in the past few weeks!

Here's the second pair of little green slippers I made for my nieces.

A pair for Miss M and a pair for Miss H.

I had to adjust the pattern as their feet had grown quite a bit since the previous Christmas!

The purple butterfly buttons I used for decoration came off an old pair of my slippers...always up-cycling!

These are their red slippers after being worn for a year. You can see why they needed new ones! Worn out... Much loved!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 25 August 2013

Little Green Slippers...part 1

Me and Mr C have just got back from Prim & Proper's Contemporary Gift event in Torquay.

Had a great weekend. Loved meeting new people...customers and other stall holders.

Looking forward to a well deserved lie-in tomorrow to recharge my batteries before spending the rest of the week updating my website and putting new stock in the shop.

My niece's loved their little red slippers so much they asked me to make slippers for them again last Christmas.

This time in green felt...with butterfly buttons for decoration.
Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 24 August 2013

Handmade Bracelet

I'm in Torquay! So is the rain...

I'm sat in my car...all packed up ready for the show this weekend...hoping Mr C can find we've lost each other...and hoping my blog will post as my Internet connection is not behaving itself.

I'm sure all will be fine once I'm fed and watered...

Here's my make for the day...

A friend made this bracelet for me as a going away present when I moved to Cambridge and started working in London more.

Wish me luck in finding Mr C...getting Internet connection...and for the show!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

P.S. found Mr C! Now for food...need food!

P.P.S all is right with the world  fed and have Internet connection!

Friday 23 August 2013

Handmade Neclace

Here's my make for the day...

It's the necklace pendant to match yesterday's bracelet. I've taken it off the black cord as I want to wear it with something else...just not sure yet.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 22 August 2013

Little Red Slippers...part 2

Quick blog tonight...

I'm putting the final touches to my stock for the event at the weekend.

I've made some bunting to add to my collection. Feedback so far...elegant and good quality...that's what I'm aiming for! I'll be making it available in my shop in the next couple of weeks so watch this space!!

Here's the other pair of slippers I made for my nieces.

This time with white ribbon and red spots.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Little Red Slippers...part 1

Only one more day left of sewing before my next event!

Its another two day event. This time at the English Riviera Centre in Torquay on Saturday and Sunday. Its being held by Prim & Proper Events and there will be a fashion show, with both Laura Ashley and Fat Face in attendance.

My stall is on the first floor balcony overlooking the fashion show.

A couple of years ago I asked my nieces what they would like me to make them for Christmas. I gave them my sewing books to help them choose something. They surprised me...they chose...not toys or dolls...but...slippers!

They're from Tilda's 'Sew Pretty Christmas Homestyle' book. I used Tilda red felt to make them and decorated them with red ribbon.

Back to sewing...I'm squeezing every last minute out of the day!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 20 August 2013

A Doorstop

I'm back after a few days away with Mr C!

He took me to Berlin as a birthday treat. Wow, what a great city! We've always gone somewhere with a view to not going back...there are so many places to we do and see as much as we can on any holiday. We want to go back though!

I visited the Pergamon Museum as I wanted to see the Gates of Babylon. Once I've edited my photos of some of the tapestries and carpets I'll post them on my blog.

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Doorstop

Here's my make of the day...

A doorstop. One from my Sweet Gardenia Rose collection.

The material matches one of the square cushions with four chirpy little birds for those of you who like matching soft home furnishings. Including me!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 19 August 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Love under the Sequined Trees!

Here's one of my latest designs...

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Love under the Sequined Trees!

I've added large pictures to my collection now.

They'll be in my shop at the beginning of September. Once I've got my next 2 day event out the way! And worked on my photo editing skills!

I think this would look great in a nursery...nice clean simple lines...or on a wall that catches the the sequins on the trees sparkle!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 18 August 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Birds in a Line!

Here's of my first designs...

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Birds in a Line!

I love the bold colours on this cushion! The contrast between the reds, pink, blues and white really work.

Which do you prefer...the subtle colours of yesterday's cushion...or the brighter colours on this one?

I would love to hear from you...send me a comment or drop me a line on my Facebook page. There's a link on my blog Home Page. Lets get some discussion going!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 17 August 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Two Big & Bold love!

Here's one of my newest cushions...

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Large Cushion

I went for a bolder print on this cushion.

I love playing around with different materials...choosing something you wouldn't normally go for yourself...and loving the results!

What do you prefer...small print...bold print...matching colours?

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 16 August 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...North Devon Show...Table Display

While I'm away for a few days I'd thought share some of my latest photos with you...

Sweet Gardenia Rose...North Devon Show 2013

My make of the day stall at the North Devon Show last week.

There were 15 new businesses in one marquee...not a lot of room for a display!

I'm tucked in between Hey Jules! (beautiful jewellery...check it out!) and Furniture Magpie (great name for an up-cycling furniture store).

When I did my first event...just over 2 months ago...I only had cushions and draft excluders to sell. Now I feel I really have a shop with a range of products. I just need to get all my products for sale in my Etsy Shop. I'm working on doing that at the beginning of September, once my next event is finished.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 15 August 2013

A Butterfly Birthday Cake!

Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to any readers who have a birthday today too!

My friend made this cake for me for my 40th birthday.

Isn't it beautiful? All the butterflies were edible. It tasted delicious too. It was the perfect centrepiece for my party food.

I'm still taken aback that she went to so much trouble to make it for me.

Mr C brought a chocolate cake over for me today...complete with candles...needless to say they were put as 24 and not 42...

Have a great day everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 14 August 2013

A Blue Skirt...cut on the bias

I soon leaped out of my lethargic state yesterday...

Mr C came round and...he's taking me away for a few days to celebrate my birthday! Lucky girl!

So I'm now in full run round getting everything done...and getting packed...mode!

Washing and ironing done (yep, I tackled those mountains yesterday!)...I just need to decide what I'm going to take...and get a few days worth of blogs written.

My sister has very kindly said she'll publish my blog each day for me rather than me schedule posts and spend my time out wondering whether its worked. I'm taking some proper time out!

Now to admit...although my birthday is tomorrow...I'm not going away for a few days. Excitement has taken over! I just want to get everything organised as I've got a long To Do list to get through before I go.

Here's my make for the day...

I found this pattern in Prima magazine. I think it was about 10 years ago now...and that's why I like's classical.

Don't be taken in by the 'Last minute makes - they're so easy!' title.

In my experience...make things when you have the time...and not last minute. Guaranteed a mistake will be made when you rush to get something finished. You then have something that doesn't fit or look right when its finished...and then you don't wear it...

There is nothing better than wearing something that you've made...that fits well and makes you feel good.

I made my skirt with a sheer blue material with a matching blue lining. I made the lining slightly shorter to show off the sheerness of the top material.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Focaccia Sake!

Five days after the last event...and I still don't seem to have got back into action.

When I got back from the North Devon show Mr C very kindly unpacked my car and put everything in the corner of my front room...very I could get on with writing my blog. There was definitely no time to write at 5 am in the morning before I left for the show! Since then everything has sat there...waiting to be put away properly.

I think I put so much energy into getting ready for the 2 events...that I've just ground to a halt...and it's felt like I need to climb a mountain to get back up again...added to that is a lovely pile of washing and ironing. Both of those could claim the title of mountains too!

So...if you are thinking of setting up a business from home...just know that its not so easy to keep work life need a proper working space...lots of energy...need to keep the momentum going (which is maybe where I went wrong...I lost momentum)...and forget about having a tidy home!

I often make my own bread...I love the smell of fresh bread wafting round my home.

I decided to make Focaccia. From a packet for my bread maker.

I normally have great least with the cheese and onion packets...when I can find them. Must be popular!

This time though...oh dear...maybe I should have just mixed the dough in the bread maker then baked it in the oven??

Onward and upwards! I'm sure once I have my home back in order everything will be much better :)

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 12 August 2013

An Animal of a Birthday Cake!

It's my youngest niece's birthday today!

Last year my eldest niece asked if we could make her a birthday cake.

She absolutely loves Animal from The Muppet Show.

So...of course...Animal simply had to be the main theme.

She also loves her two toys Doggie & Duckie...who share her birthday.

We made chocolate ducks...with little patches of grass and flowers...dogs with yellow ears...shells to add to her collection...and small skulls for her other love...Monster High.

We put Animal on the top of the cake...

...which we made to look like a drum with blue stars on the panels.

I don't think a career in cake making is on the cards...though I'm very happy with the Animal...but we had great fun making it!

Happy Birthday Little Miss H! 8!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 11 August 2013

Handmade Buttons

Keeping with the theme of finding handmade things in my home...

I was searching through my button box and found these handmade wooden buttons.

A bird box...a Christmas themed bird box...and Rudolph.

Rudolph looks a little like the reindeer in A Rocking Reindeer.

I bought them at the annual Stitch, Sew & Hobbycraft show at Westpoint in Exeter.

I could have happily spent hundreds there. Instead I limited myself to £10. It's amazing how a limit on spending can focus your mind to what you really want and need! I bought these buttons...reels of ribbons (end of line, discounted) and a bundle of hand-dyed felt. I surprised myself at my self-restraint!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 10 August 2013

A Painted Chest of Drawers

When I had a look in my garage for things that I had made...

I found these Chest of Drawers hiding right at the back.

I had forgotten all about them!

They started their life as white draws with standard plastic gold rimmed circular handles.

I painted the draws blue...sprayed a protective layer of varnish on them...then painted daisies around each hole where the screw for the handle goes through.

I replaced the original handles with round wooden ones and painted them yellow to make them look like the inside of a daisy.

This is my inspiration...a quilt cover I bought in Next.

 I wanted to create a co-ordinated in my spare room.

I traced the pattern onto grease-proof paper...and then onto the draws... give this finished effect...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 9 August 2013

A Devilish Costume

Hmm...did I say something about starting today feeling refreshed? I still feel the effects of working flat out for two large events...

So I'm meeting up with a couple of good friends...and we're going to have a catch up and planning session. Oh, and a coastal coffee. How lovely does that sound? A coffee in a coastal town...and maybe a walk along the beach. Just what I need to revive me!

The Simplicity 9309 pattern that I used for the Angelic Costume I talked about yesterday...I also used to make to my friend a devil costume.

I made her a short reversible black and red cape with collar and ribbon tie.

And I made her a little red bag to go with the costume. Trimmed with black feathers and red ribbon handles.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx