Wednesday 16 January 2013

The Stars at Night

The night I published my first blog I lay in bed thinking...

How am I going to meet the 365 day challenge? How many things have I actually made? Am I going to be frantically finishing all my unfinished projects? That would be great. There are quite a few... but some are not small projects...

In fact most of what I make takes quite a bit of time. Once you factor in drawing templates, choosing material (one of my favourite parts of the process), and of course the hand sewing.

Then I looked around my room and straight away I could see 5 things I'd made. Deep breath. Calm down.

And then I looked up. And there was another thing I'd made.

On a trip to Paris with a few friends one them bought me some stickers. Not just any kind. The Little Prince glowing stars. The Little Prince is a lovely lovely story. I've read it a few times. I'm even attempting to read it in Italian. Not doing too bad at it either.

Thinking I'm a bit too old to be putting stickers on my ceiling they sat shining away in their packet not to be seen...

Then I moved into my flat. There are built in cupboards with a nice little hidden 'ceiling' above my bed. Perfect for creating a sky at night!

So I bought some dark blue material and, using the star map included with the stickers, created my own glow in the dark universe.

I can even wish upon a shooting star. You can just about see it on the right. This is what I was doing at 1 am this morning. Taking photos in the dark for my blog...

It makes me laugh every time I look up. The Little Prince would be proud. After all, laughter was the gift he gave the pilot.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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