Wednesday 23 January 2013

Duck Eggs, Flowers & Birds

When I was in my early twenties I found some gorgeous material in Laura Ashley. I bought a stack of it, all matching colours. I then had to decide what to do with it.

I decided to make a quilt, using my hand sewing machine. I didn't have any experience in quilting but I wasn't going to let that stop me. Quite a big project to start with then…and most people would have chosen to do a less complicated design. Not me. My design had lots of small squares and lots of narrow strips.

I spent hours cutting out squares and sewing them together, all on my hand sewing machine. It builds up your arm muscles nicely cranking the handle round. Though only one arm…

Then I moved house, moved house again, and again. Each time my completed squares got moved to their new home. And all the strips I’d cut out to go around the squares moved with them.

Most of the hard work had been done. I just needed some inspiration to get it finished.

Time to call in the experts I thought. My Mum and her friend came to the rescue. I’d done most of the hard work by sewing all the little squares together. I just needed to see the bigger picture.

Not only did they help me with the design. They actually completed my quilt for me. How lucky am I?

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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