Friday 25 January 2013

A Frog Jumper for a Froggiac

On a school trip to the Lake District I bought a pack of 6 small ornamental frogs. I thought they were cute. Who knew where it would lead...I now have over 100 frogs... I was given them for birthdays and Christmas, as cards and presents.

When I was staying with my lovely friends in Norway I was given the name Froggiac. I had reached Train Anorak status. I am now officially a Frog Anorak. Yippeee!

My Grandma joined in the fun. When she progressed from hand knitting to machine knitting she made me this jumper.

It has rows upon rows of frogs.

All in a lovely sparkly green wool

It even has a frog on the button!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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