Thursday 10 January 2013

The Jessica Rabbit Dress

Travelling through Italy one summer I was lucky enough to see a wedding in Ravello.

The females guests were so elegant and beautifully dressed. One of them was wearing a dress with a skirt that was see-through below the knee. You just got a glimpse of her tanned and toned legs.

Now, I can't own up to having tanned legs...and lets not get into the lack of tone due to lack of running discussion...but when I found this gorgeous material with blue and gold embroidery in John Lewis I remembered that dress and thought I would make one for myself.

I've used this pattern before and loved the finished dress. Last time I made it though I must have been stick thin. It fits on my tailors dummy just perfectly...but not quite the same on the real thing....Must remember to let out the sizing on my dummy...but I quite like the silhouette it gives!

I set myself a deadline to get it finished. The work Summer Party. I was looking forward to wearing something I'd made myself. I hit the deadline. Yay! And I loved the results!

Lesson to self: aside from checking measurements, set an earlier deadline. That way you don't discover you look like Jessica Rabbit squeezed into a dress the day before the party. It wasn't the look I was hoping for... Still, chance to wear a favourite Little Black Dress again!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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