Saturday 26 January 2013

Celebration Bunting

I'm bursting with happiness!

In the 2 weeks since I've started my blog it's been read in 9 countries. Power to the internet!

My first blog has been read nearly 100 times. 3 more reads to go before it hits that magic number.

At a workshop this week about setting up your own business I was called an inspiration for taking the plunge and doing this.

My samples have received a positive response. Photos to follow soon. My first order has been placed, made and given. My shop isn't even open yet.

To finish the week, last night I went to the first stitch and chat sewing group in a local village. My friend had set it up. It was so good to spend time with people who have so much experience and willingness to share ideas and learn. Can't wait until next weeks get together.

So here's some bunting to celebrate!

Two lines of it. Matching. Complete with pompoms.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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