Monday 7 January 2013

A Family of Mice

It's a quick blog tonight. I'm getting ready for tomorrow's meeting to show my designs. Think it's gonna be a late one...

I made this family of mice for my little sister. Well, she's not so little as it's the big 40 this year! It represents her and my 2 nieces.

The Mummy mouse and mouse on the left are wearing pinafore dresses. The mouse on the right is wearing dungarees. I loved making these. And anything else in miniature - it takes considerably less time to make clothes for a mouse than it does a grown-up.

The Mummy mouse is wearing a halo of twigs and little red beads. The hats each have twinkly bells. I even made the red buttons for the dungarees myself. Fabulous Fimo!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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