Thursday 31 January 2013

Japanese Bag with Recycled Handles

I was given a bag by someone having a clear out. It wasn't great but the handles and fastenings were.

I took it apart to put it back together again and give it a new lease of life.

Stashed away in my material collection I had some Japanese style material with a butterfly and bamboo design.

A perfect match for the bamboo handles...

I added my own detailing and increased the size.

And gave the internal pocket zip a 'tulip'.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 30 January 2013

A Woolly find in the Wardrobe

This morning, as I was getting ready to leave my home, I was wondering what I would write about today.

I reached to get my coat from the wardrobe and I saw my answer hanging there.

A cardigan knitted for me by my sister.

Nicely finished off with a large wooden button.

Until Tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Wish I'd known about paint stripper before I started...

On a visit to an Antiques Shop I stumbled across an old chest of drawers.

It was paint stained, ink stained and had marks on the top surface where a mirror had been. It had turned dark brown with years of old varnish.

Oh, and it reeked of Linseed Oil! It had been coated in it for protection while in storage before the shop put it on display. I would say maybe even dunked in a vat of it. The oil kept seeping out of the wood so I couldn't put anything in the draws.

It was in desperate need of some Tender Loving Care. So much TLC that I offered £11 for it. My offer was accepted. A bargain!

It lived in my Mum and Dad's garage while I went to live in Chester to study law. Then I moved away for a job and thought I best take it with me this time...I put it in my shed. Then I needed to move for my job again.

My friend asked if I really wanted to move this tatty old chest of drawers yet again. I could see her didn't look great... Exhausted from moving I decided a trip to the rubbish dump was not what I needed right now. It was pouring with rain too. I found room for it on the lorry. It was saved!

Settled into my new home I decided I really ought to start The Restoration Project. Armed with my electric sander I set to. The hours of sanding started... Another friend came over to spend time working on her project. We were both outside in the cold sanding away. She left. I continued sanding...sanding...sanding. My neighbours must have loved me!

Finally, after another house move, I finished.

I removed the old handles and added leather ones to give it a contemporary look.

Now it sits very proudly in my front room.

Not a paint or ink stain in sight.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 28 January 2013

Memories of York

I bought some hatboxes in a sale. Well made. Just didn't like the covering.

Too orange and black for my liking.

I thought I would transform them into something I do like.

Years later I went to a conference in York for work. I travelled up the weekend before with my colleague and good friend so we could spend some time sightseeing.

We went to the cinema to watch Moulin Rouge. What I remember most is running back to the Bed & Breakfast in the pouring rain getting absolutely soaked!

I also found my inspiration for my hatbox project. Some wrapping paper with hearts and flowers on it.

When I got back I spent ages cutting the paper into smaller pieces then gluing them onto the now plainly painted boxes.

Much more pleasing to the eye.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 27 January 2013

A Flight of Fancy

It's my friend's birthday today so I think it's fitting I should share something I made for her with you.

She likes geese.

This is a pretty one with flowery feet and a halo.

Sorry, it got blinded by the camera.

I took the photo long before I considered writing a blog and showing off my photography skills!

I'll describe instead. She has a beady eye, rosy cheeks and a wooden love heart button for decoration.

Pattern, buttons and halos from Tilda. Yes, it's another one...

I need to make one for myself. Maybe two. They would look lovely hanging from the shelves in my sewing room.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 26 January 2013

Celebration Bunting

I'm bursting with happiness!

In the 2 weeks since I've started my blog it's been read in 9 countries. Power to the internet!

My first blog has been read nearly 100 times. 3 more reads to go before it hits that magic number.

At a workshop this week about setting up your own business I was called an inspiration for taking the plunge and doing this.

My samples have received a positive response. Photos to follow soon. My first order has been placed, made and given. My shop isn't even open yet.

To finish the week, last night I went to the first stitch and chat sewing group in a local village. My friend had set it up. It was so good to spend time with people who have so much experience and willingness to share ideas and learn. Can't wait until next weeks get together.

So here's some bunting to celebrate!

Two lines of it. Matching. Complete with pompoms.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 25 January 2013

A Frog Jumper for a Froggiac

On a school trip to the Lake District I bought a pack of 6 small ornamental frogs. I thought they were cute. Who knew where it would lead...I now have over 100 frogs... I was given them for birthdays and Christmas, as cards and presents.

When I was staying with my lovely friends in Norway I was given the name Froggiac. I had reached Train Anorak status. I am now officially a Frog Anorak. Yippeee!

My Grandma joined in the fun. When she progressed from hand knitting to machine knitting she made me this jumper.

It has rows upon rows of frogs.

All in a lovely sparkly green wool

It even has a frog on the button!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 24 January 2013

A Ceramic Box

Here's my second attempt at ceramics. Some slab work this time.

It's a little rustic.
 Definitely original.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Duck Eggs, Flowers & Birds

When I was in my early twenties I found some gorgeous material in Laura Ashley. I bought a stack of it, all matching colours. I then had to decide what to do with it.

I decided to make a quilt, using my hand sewing machine. I didn't have any experience in quilting but I wasn't going to let that stop me. Quite a big project to start with then…and most people would have chosen to do a less complicated design. Not me. My design had lots of small squares and lots of narrow strips.

I spent hours cutting out squares and sewing them together, all on my hand sewing machine. It builds up your arm muscles nicely cranking the handle round. Though only one arm…

Then I moved house, moved house again, and again. Each time my completed squares got moved to their new home. And all the strips I’d cut out to go around the squares moved with them.

Most of the hard work had been done. I just needed some inspiration to get it finished.

Time to call in the experts I thought. My Mum and her friend came to the rescue. I’d done most of the hard work by sewing all the little squares together. I just needed to see the bigger picture.

Not only did they help me with the design. They actually completed my quilt for me. How lucky am I?

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 22 January 2013

An Angelic Pincushion

I think I've made just about every item in Tilda's 'Sew Pretty Homestyle' book. If not, I will have done by the end of the year!

Before I came across this book I had a lull in sewing. I'd mainly concentrated on dressmaking, then got side-tracked by buying clothes...and shoes...lovely shoes...

Then I re-discovered my other sewing skills, like making dolls and bags. Even hearts. It brought out the more decorative and sentimental me. And, this is when I realised how much satisfaction there is in making things for other people.

My eldest niece has become a fan of sewing too. So I made her this pincushion to help start her on her creative path...

I used variegated embroidery thread to give the angel motif a different effect.

And, added a flower to make it pretty for her.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 21 January 2013

A Wrap-Around Dog

I've just got back home from a talk by David Kennard who is the creator of 'Mist sheepdog tales'. It's a children's television program on Channel Five. He even brought along one of the stars of the show, his sheepdog Fly.

I don't make a habit of going to talks about sheep dogs. Once a month I go to a Speaker Meeting with Soroptimist International, Barnstaple (* info at end of my blog) and tonight's turn was sheep dog trials. We even had a demo. This involved a group of business women sat bleating like sheep, the farmer whistling, and the dog running round the room as if she was rounding us up...

While I was sat there I remembered I have a much loved jumper with a dog on it. Aha, another day's blog!

So, meeting over, I've dashed home to find my jumper and write about it. Happily, while I was looking I found another 5 home-made things to write about. Phew, that makes the 365 day challenge a little easier to meet!

On with the jumper. Not literally...

My Mum was a prolific knitter when I was younger. She knitted this jumper for me when I was 11 or 12. My sister got one too. Her's had a squirrel on it.

I absolutely love Dachshunds.

This is one very much loved Dachshund.

He's now a covered in bobbles and even a little holey.

It's stretched that much I can still fit into it.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

* I've been a Soroptimist for 3 years and love it. It's an organisation for business women and we help women and girls reach their potential. Here's the link if you would like more information:
Soroptimist International. You can get involved as much as you want. I've collected signatures for petitions, helped with fundraising, wrapped Christmas presents for the children in the women's refuge, sorted food for the homeless, the list goes on. Best of all, you make great friends.

Sunday 20 January 2013

A Jammy Friend

I was given this jam by a friend to say thank you for helping her out.

What a delicious way to say 'thank you'!

The fruit is from her allotment which is in a village near me.

I'm very excited as my name is on the list for a plot there too. I've been waiting, not so patiently, to be told my plot is ready and waiting for me.

When I went for a visit I was amazed at the community spirit and thought, yep, I want some of that.

I've even got my helpers lined up. Not a bribe was made! The allure of being outside in the fresh air with a fantastic view of fields and the river was enough. Well, that and the promise of having barbecues in the summer sunshine! I can't wait!

Until then I've been growing veggies in tubs as I've no garden. It's not quite the same...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 19 January 2013

A Reversible Fireguard!

Years ago My Grandma did this tapestry. My Great-Grandad made the frame for it.

As with lots of things, for years it was hidden away in my Grandparent's attic.

Then it was given to me, knowing I would restore it. Despite a chip in the glass, and a few moth-eaten stitches, it's still in good condition. Most of the stitches have really kept their colour.

I don't think the picture was done from a pattern.

My plan is to restore the picture to it's former glory by replacing any stitches that have been moth-eaten. I seem to have inherited a considerable amount of tapestry wool to be able to do this! Once I've done that I want to give the frame a good sand-down and varnish.

My next plan is to have the frame altered so you can have a picture both sides. That way, I can keep the original picture and also have my own picture in there too. A reversible fireguard!

My choice of picture is very different from my Grandma's. Its Art Nouveau. It's called The White and Red Rose by Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh.

Most of it's done. Here's hoping I can get it completed for one of my 365 day blogs!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 18 January 2013

A Scarf for a Dolly

My attempts at knitting haven't been great. Generally, my projects are full of holes... I blame it on the left-handed thing... just like my attempts at crocheting.

This time I was determined to get it right so Pumpkin could at least have a scarf.

So here you go. And not a hole in sight!

I think it finishes her outfit off nicely don't you think?

I own up, I called on my Mum to help out with the cardigan, hat and booties.

There is a waistcoat that matches her bag. It seems to have disappeared into the depths of the toy box...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 17 January 2013

A Pumpkin for a head

I found this old Woman's Weekly pattern for a dolly in my stash of patterns. I thought she would be perfect for my niece's 4th Christmas.

Magical Maggie is her name on the pattern.

She has a large round head. It was a bit like making a football. The whole time I was making her I kept questioning whether I had followed the pattern correctly. Surely her head shouldn't be that round?

Pumpkin is her name now. Well, you couldn't call her Football...

I think these jeans should have a blog day of their own. They're an exact replica.

She's quite The Girl about Town.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 16 January 2013

The Stars at Night

The night I published my first blog I lay in bed thinking...

How am I going to meet the 365 day challenge? How many things have I actually made? Am I going to be frantically finishing all my unfinished projects? That would be great. There are quite a few... but some are not small projects...

In fact most of what I make takes quite a bit of time. Once you factor in drawing templates, choosing material (one of my favourite parts of the process), and of course the hand sewing.

Then I looked around my room and straight away I could see 5 things I'd made. Deep breath. Calm down.

And then I looked up. And there was another thing I'd made.

On a trip to Paris with a few friends one them bought me some stickers. Not just any kind. The Little Prince glowing stars. The Little Prince is a lovely lovely story. I've read it a few times. I'm even attempting to read it in Italian. Not doing too bad at it either.

Thinking I'm a bit too old to be putting stickers on my ceiling they sat shining away in their packet not to be seen...

Then I moved into my flat. There are built in cupboards with a nice little hidden 'ceiling' above my bed. Perfect for creating a sky at night!

So I bought some dark blue material and, using the star map included with the stickers, created my own glow in the dark universe.

I can even wish upon a shooting star. You can just about see it on the right. This is what I was doing at 1 am this morning. Taking photos in the dark for my blog...

It makes me laugh every time I look up. The Little Prince would be proud. After all, laughter was the gift he gave the pilot.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 15 January 2013

The Bag that was a Skirt...that was...

Here's a bag that used to be a skirt...and before that it was a piece of material...

I made a skirt out of this material when I was a teenager. Just a simple shortish flared skirt. Then I decided I had outgrown it.

So it got made into something much more practical.

A bag.

Perfect for using with any game that has tiles so you and your opponents can't see what ones are being picked. So easy to make too.

Wish I had a photo of the skirt before I gave it a new life and transformed it into something else. That would give me another day's blogging. Well, I have got to meet my 365 day challenge :)

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx