Thursday 6 June 2013

Runaway Woman in a Bikini

Hmm...the day off didn't quite go to plan yesterday. Mr C had a few telephone calls to make so I got on and did some admin work...and after the Enterprise Club...I got on with some more work.

In between time...I met up with a couple of lovely ladies from the club who are now good friends. We were so busy chatting we were late for the meeting! I think everyone else was out enjoying the sunshine as we were the only ones who turned up. A very enjoyable tailor made session. We made great plans for our businesses.

A long time ago...I made an idyllic island scene out of Fimo modelling clay.

It is about 2 inches wide. A layer of blue for the sea...a small mound of pale brown to represent the sandy island...a palm tree...and a man and woman. The man was wearing beach shorts and holding his surfboard.

The woman...well here's the her bikini and her hair flowing down her back. She's left her foot prints on the island...leading into the sea.

Somehow she has become separated from the island...and I can't find the island. When I can find the island...I can't find the woman. Clearly they are not meant to be together!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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