Sunday 23 June 2013

A Gloopy Snow Globe...

I received an email earlier from my friend in Norway...wishing me a 'Happy Midsummer's Day'...and reminding me to place 7 wild flowers under my pillow. Folklore says if you will dream of your true love.

The last time I did this...I was staying with my friend in her summer house by a beautiful fjord. There were three of us staying there for our holiday. Out we went on Midsummer's evening to collect our flowers to place under our pillows.

That night I dreamed of a man...and...two days later I met the very man I dreamed of! could, of course, be put down to the excitement of going to see one of my favourite bands that made me dream of the lead singer...but him I did...and I have his autograph to prove it!

The band...A-ha!...I've been a fan since I was a teenager...and of Morten Harket. It's one of my guilty secrets...

So, this evening I went for a walk around the park to collect flowers...

Who may may happen again :)

In contrast to's a Christmas Snow Globe.

My nieces wanted to make one as their Christmas present for their Mum.

We got a bit short on time so I made it for them.

I followed the gluing a cake decoration in the jar...putting glitter in there...then filling the jar with glycerin.

Yes...well...the glycerin is so gloopy the glitter just clumps together...

You can just about see Rudolph pulling Santa in his sleigh...just...

Sweet dreams everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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