Saturday 8 June 2013

A Bouquet for a Bridesmaid

Back in my non-sandy office today...

Sometime ago I started working on a quilted sampler. I thought it time to get it out my project draw and get it finished.

If you want a sneak preview...have a look at the pattern... Watering Can Bouquet Sampler. It's by Yoko Saito. She is one of my inspirations. Her quilts...and bags...are simply beautiful.

I spy a frog themed quilt among the images of her work... hmm...a future project I think.

I remember now why I had put the sampler back in the draw...

The material in the central panel had puckered when I did the applique work. Perfectionist that I am...I undid all my work... I knew if I didn't I wouldn't be satisfied with the finished quilt.

So...I've spent today re-doing all the applique work...I keep telling will be worth it when I've finished it!

Keeping to the flower theme...when my sister got married I was her bridesmaid.

I carried a bouquet made up of roses and freesias. White and purple.

It was such a pretty bouquet I decided to dry it.

Eleven years on it is pretty fragile and there isn't much colour left...except in the greenery and ribbon.

A happy day spent with my sister and surrounded by family and friends :)

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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