Tuesday 4 June 2013

A Very Holey Jumper

Hip Hooray! My inter-locker has arrived. Now I just need to work out how to use it...

I've been very good though and instead of throwing myself into learning how to use it...I've taken time to update my accounts. There is a downside to buying material...

Maybe I'll get to have a spin on the over-locker tomorrow.

Here's a jumper my sister knitted me...some years ago.

Not only has it seemed to have grown several sizes...it has also developed some holes...

In fact it looks rather moth eaten. Not sure what's happened to it. Nothing else...thank goodness...has developed holes.

I really like all the edging...

...so the plan is to turn it into a cushion.

Watch this space for the outcome. I'm busy finishing a tapestry at the moment before turning it into a cushion too.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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