Monday 17 June 2013

A Thank You Bug

Not so long ago I got myself into trouble...

I made my sister a bug for her birthday (see A Birthday Bug). My Mum loved it...and waited for her Birthday Bug to arrive a few weeks later. It didn't...

I had made a gift for Mothering Sunday...and so for the first time in a long time I bought her a present.

It turns out it is no longer the done thing...these days handmade gifts are expected...on every occasion it would seem.

Back to the machine I went!

Here is the little lady herself.

Smartly dressed in polka dots with pink buttons for antennae.

She is a bit of a poseur this one. Looking left...

Looking right...

Forward pose.

She was tucked in the handbag I gave Mum on the day of my business launch to say 'thank you' for all her help and support. My Mum is a star! Love you Mum xxxxxxxxx

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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