Tuesday 11 June 2013

How to remove...

When I first started my blog I definitely did not think I would be writing about this as one of my makes...

Today...I made...wait for it...a lovely iron shaped burn mark in my sewing room carpet...

The horror!

The iron was on the highest setting...sat on my ironing board.

I moved the board to get into the cupboard behind...and the iron just took a dive for it and free fell...landing face down on the carpet with a lovely sizzle...

I found a site that tells you How to Remove Iron Burn Marks.

They suggest sandpaper for burns of this level. I hunted in my garage for my electric sander...and with a bit of sanding...not too much otherwise I'd have a hole in the carpet...and some vacuuming....here's the end result.

Not bad! Of course...it would not have happened if I had held onto the iron in the first place...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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