Saturday 29 June 2013

A Jungle Frog

One day I might learn to write my blog at the beginning of the day and before I go out...

I've been busy running around tidying...putting away my Farm Box delivery...catching up with friends...before  meeting up with Mr C for a coffee...then we went for a walk...then a meal...and before I knew it I had to run back to write my blog before getting ready to go out with friends. I now have 15 minutes to get ready and make myself glamorous. Eek!

Froggiac that I am...I had to buy a frog when I was in Vietnam.

Here he is. He sits on the side by the kitchen.

He's a (handmade) replica of a frog that was used for communication in the jungle during the Vietnamese war.

You rub the stick along the back of the frog and tap his head. He has a beautiful deep croak.

I often hear him croaking when my family and friends around...especially when there's little people visiting!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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