Friday 14 June 2013

A Silky Knitted Scarf

I've had one of those lovely days that started with hand sewing some products and doing research on the meeting up with a friend for for sewing supplies...going to my niece's school fete...a quick visit to my Mum and being given a supply of homemade cake and quiche to keep me going for the next week or more...a quick supermarket shop...then getting an unexpected call from a friend I haven't spoken to for a few months...and now writing my blog. Think I will sleep well tonight!

Here's a scarf my sister knitted for me.

Once again modelled by my tailor's dummy.

My knitting skills are limited to say the'm not sure how to describe the wool...except to say it is just silky soft.

Happy weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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