Thursday 27 June 2013

Catching the Moon...

Oh my...I think I'm going to be finding feathers in my flat for some time... They have got everywhere!

Still, I now have some perfectly filled feather cushions ready for sale. All neatly or turkey.

I haven't stopped this morning...vacuuming...painting...sewing...vacuuming...

Now I'm off to meet a friend for lunch who I haven't seen for months. He's back in England to visit friends and family. We used to work for the same charity years ago...before I moved back to Devon and he retired and moved to Vietnam.

I thought I best get my blog written before we meet up...otherwise hours will pass while we talk and talk...and the midnight deadline will get nearer and nearer!

Here's a picture I took on one of my visits to Norway.

It's of a jetty in Asgardstrand, a pretty village where Edvard Munch's house is.

'The Scream' is one of my favourite pictures and I've been lucky enough to see it in Oslo.

In the centre of the picture...I managed to catch the moon just above the lights.

We visited the house on one of those lovely crisp autumn days... perfect for tea and cake in the cafe nearby!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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