Thursday 20 June 2013

A Tapestry Cushion...part 3

A fun day today...playing mystery shopper!

Enterprise Club was held in a local town...with the objective of going in independent shops to see whether we would like our products to be sold in them.

One of the main considerations to this is customer service. If you receive good customer service then you know the shop is going to make an effort to sell your products. If you don't...well...your goods...that you have put a lot of love and care into making...are going to sit on the shelves collecting dust...not finding their way into people's homes.

Hmm...lets say that one of the shops I would love to approach to sell my items...put themselves firmly out the game. Not a single 'hello' did we get. It wasn't the only shop this happened in. When you get a small group of people walk into your shop...and in one case there were no other customers...surely you are friendly and make them feel welcome and wanted? It would seem not...

It was a great lesson in how the customer experience can instantly impact on your sales.

The shop we all felt made us feel comfortable...with a good vibe and great displays...was the shop we all spent money in. That's the shop I want my products to be sold in!

Back to my tapestry cushion...

My Grandma had originally wanted to use the tapestry as the seat covering for her piano stool. She realised though that she had cut the material too small to do this. What to do?

I had bought this book by Sarah Moore.

She has a great selection of tapestry cushions...

...with easy to follow instructions.

I thought turning the tapestry into a cushion would be a good way of showing off the picture and shape of the design.

Once I had finished the tapestry stitching I chose the backing material...some corduroy I had left from another project...sewed them together and over-locked the edges so they don't fray.

Here's the finished cushion...flat...

...and fully stuffed and sat on my settee!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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