Tuesday 25 June 2013

Butterfly Cakes for a Brownie Badge

In contrast to last Thursday...today has been day of great customer service. Every shop my Mum and me went into we got a 'hello' and a chat. It made for such a lovely shopping experience. Just how it should be!

We've been out and about getting things to use for displaying my products at craft fairs...and for using as props for my Esty shop and website photos.

I've already taken stacks of photos...but they haven't quite hit the mark...I'm getting there though.

A proud Auntie moment...

Last year I helped my eldest niece get her hostess badge for Brownies...we had a great time in the kitchen baking butterfly cakes and a Victoria sponge...which she had to serve to guests.

This week...with Grandma's help this time...she has got her cooking badge.

It was my youngest niece's turn to get her hostess badge. Being a 'Chocolate Girl' she made Chocolate Brownies.

Please note little Miss H...your Auntie is putting an order in for more! They were delicious!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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