Wednesday 22 May 2013

Froggie Metalwork

Things are getting exciting!

My business plan is now signed off. I can proceed to GO! Time to get the final touches in place before the craft fair next week and my business launch on Saturday.

The table is booked for the craft fair. I've made a cover for it with my shop name and branding embroidered on it.

My dining room table is going to be used as a 'mock' stall table. That will help me decide how to set things up on the day of the craft fair...and display my products for the business launch.

The invites have been sent for my launch. I'm having an open house for on Saturday afternoon so my family and friends can see my designs before the craft fair. Just nice and relaxed...with wine and nibbles.

My business cards are in the final stages of being designed. I just need to get the order in tomorrow so they'll arrive for Saturday.

I reckon that's it for now.

Here's a badge I made in metal work class in school.

What can I say...the frog obsession over spilled into my school work too...

It got me top marks though!
Until tomorrow,
Nic xx