Saturday 25 May 2013

A Card of Congratulations!

The big day has business launch. Very excited!

Everything is in place and on display. The red ribbon is tied into a bow and ready to cut.

My friend has arrived and is making my lunch so I can get on with more sewing. Which is what I've been doing since 5.30 this morning...

One day when I was commuting, I decided to take the train. It broke down. In all the commotion of alternative transport being organised I started talking to another passenger...we decided to get a taxi together...and ever since we've been friends.

Her daughter...who calls me Auntie...and I'm proud to have as a niece...made me this card of congratulations. It even has little glittery pompoms in the decorated hearts. How lucky am I!

Right, my lunch is ready. Best go. I'll tell you all about my launch tomorrow.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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