Saturday 4 May 2013

A Shawl of Angora

A whirlwind tour of Somerset with Mr C today...

First stop...Hestercombe House. It used to be the Head Quarters for Somerset Fire Brigade.

Just enough time for a quick peek and a cup of tea.

Then off to Glastonbury Tor. It looked just as pretty as this picture.

The view from the top is amazing...

...which you get to see by climbing steps. A LOT of steps.

This picture gives you a good idea of just how many...

It was so windy...poor Mr had to hold my hand and almost drag me up. I was convinced I would be blown over... Getting down was so much easier!

Then off to Glastonbury town for a walk around and to see the Abby gardens...

...where King Arthur and his Lady Guinevere are buried.

Then back in the car to find a pub for tea and a shared ice cream sundae :)

Now I'm curled up on the settee watching TV while Mr C hits the town with his fire fighting buddies to celebrate...

He is back on operational duties next week having been given the all clear by his consultant after his open heart surgery. Fully recovered. Yip yip yipppeeeeee!

My Grandma made this shawl... modelled here by my tailors dummy.

I think...think...she machine knitted it rather than crocheted it. I could be wrong.

I love it...though every time I wear it I find I'm covered in green wool...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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