Tuesday 7 May 2013

A Hand Knitted Scarf

Its been a long day...I've been up since 4.30am. Couldn't sleep. At 6.30am I gave up trying and was up cutting out material.

Then I got the magic call to say my sewing machine is repaired. Yippee! It is now back in my sewing room where it belongs. The plan was to put it to use straight away...it is still where I left it...

Mr C's sister came over for the afternoon and we sat outside enjoying the sunshine before Mr C came over to join us for tea. It was so nice being able to sit outside and eat. We had to sit outside. My dining table is covered...and surrounded...by material...

My sister knitted this scarf for me.

Silky and soft with my favourite colour. Duck Egg Blue. Perfect.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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