Friday 31 May 2013

A Yellow Knitted Wardrobe of Clothes

My morning has been spent looking into how I can protect my designs, and looking for more craft fairs to attend.

There is a local fair being held in November for 3 days. It's the first time it is being held and they're looking for local 'crafters' who are newly set up. Hopefully I fit in with their vision and they accept my application. I'll let you know!

Here's the same knitted wardrobe of clothes, as shown yesterday, my Mum knitted.

This time they were for me...for my Sindy.

Happy weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

p.s. I'm busy for the next couple of days...with friends...and looking for material :) I'm putting the Blog Scheduler to the test...hopefully it works! Short blogs for the next couple of days x

Thursday 30 May 2013

A Blue Knitted Wardrobe of Clothes

I seem to have hit a slump after the past few weeks of production frenzy and the craft fair...

It hasn't been entirely unproductive I suppose...I just haven't been sat at my sewing machine for hours on end. It feels strange.

Instead I've been making notes of all the feedback I got yesterday...looking at pictures of craft stalls for inspiration...buying an over-locker (its about time!)...informing the relevant authorities I am now self-employed (insurance companies etc)...and...deciding what items I am going to make next. Oh...and buying a new pair of jeans as a treat for a job well done yesterday!

Yep...maybe it has been a productive day after all.

Keeping to the clothing's a set of clothes my Mum knitted for my sister's Barbie doll.

I suspect she was as busy as I am in the run up to Christmas...frantically getting presents made.

Each piece of clothing is perfectly made as if it were full sized.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 29 May 2013

A Scene Setter

Who would imagine that sitting in a marquee for 6 hours could be such tiring work? I'm back home after the craft fair and have been sat here for the past 3 hours and not really getting very far with writing...

The fair went really well. I met great people and received loads of positive comments about my products. 'Beautiful', 'Good Quality', 'Lovely'. One lady was so supportive and complimentary about my products I nearly started to cry... The long hours have been worth it. I'm on the right track with what I want to achieve!

I probably should have advertised which fair I was going to be at...but...I just wanted to ease myself in. So...rather after the fact...this is where I've been today...Arlington Court.

This was the view from the marquee...

The peacocks were strutting their stuff when we arrived.

I'll be there again in November for their Christmas Fair. Somehow I think it will be much colder in the marquee...

Here's a cushion I made for my sister as a scene setter for the 'Family of Mice'.

It has a border of stitched flowers and a small heart that is padded to make it 3D.

If you look through the Tilda books you often find small items like these featured in the photos. They don't have patterns but add the finishing touches to the dolls.

I'm having a well deserved night off...slumped in front of the television...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 28 May 2013

A Pair of Pears

Well, my day didn't quite go to enterprise coffee with friends...

I took some much needed time to finish making more stock for the craft fair tomorrow.

Here's a pear I made out of Fimo modelling clay...

...and another...the same size as the photo.

They're a take on the Comedy & Tragedy Masks.

Wish me luck at the craft fair tomorrow!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 27 May 2013

A Miniature Heart...part 4

Short blog today...I'm busy sewing...sewing...sewing...sewing! Got a craft fair to get ready for! I only have one more day to fit in any sewing that needs doing...a meal with friends...and an enterprise club to attend. Oh, and to meet an accountant. It's all go!

Here's another Tilda inspired miniature heart.

I've made matching pairs in different materials.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 26 May 2013

A Miniature Heart...part 3

The ribbon is cut! My business is now launched!

It was great having my family, Mr C's family and our friends around. As the sun was shining we all got to sit outside and enjoy ourselves.

Now I've just got to finish making more stock for the craft fair on Wednesday. Very soon I'll be able to share my designs with you...I need to photograph and catalog everything first. So much to do!

Here's another Tilda inspired miniature heart.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 25 May 2013

A Card of Congratulations!

The big day has business launch. Very excited!

Everything is in place and on display. The red ribbon is tied into a bow and ready to cut.

My friend has arrived and is making my lunch so I can get on with more sewing. Which is what I've been doing since 5.30 this morning...

One day when I was commuting, I decided to take the train. It broke down. In all the commotion of alternative transport being organised I started talking to another passenger...we decided to get a taxi together...and ever since we've been friends.

Her daughter...who calls me Auntie...and I'm proud to have as a niece...made me this card of congratulations. It even has little glittery pompoms in the decorated hearts. How lucky am I!

Right, my lunch is ready. Best go. I'll tell you all about my launch tomorrow.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 24 May 2013

A Waistcoat in Replica

The launch preparations are well under way!

My Mum has been busy baking cakes and quiches. Crisps, dips and drink are all bought. There's a great big bowl full to the brim of good old fashioned sweets from my childhood ready to be dipped into. Double lollies...Drumsticks...Dip Dabs...Dolly Mixtures...Fizzers. A dentist's delight!

I've even bought red ribbon to cut for the grand opening!

Years ago my Mum found this pattern in Prima magazine.

She said she would like to buy one like it.

I decided to make it for her. I even found exactly the same material.

Here's the finished waistcoat....front...

...and back.

For the finishing touch I sewed on a single gold button.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 23 May 2013

Well, it was meant to be a vase...

My dining room table now looks like a craft fair table...the cover is on and my shiny new products are on display. I'm all ready for the launch on Saturday. Blimey...sometimes I even surprise myself with how organised I am!

Here's another attempt at ceramic work.

I say this was surprised to be a vase...

My control of the potter's wheel wasn't what it should have been!

It makes a great plant pot holder though!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Froggie Metalwork

Things are getting exciting!

My business plan is now signed off. I can proceed to GO! Time to get the final touches in place before the craft fair next week and my business launch on Saturday.

The table is booked for the craft fair. I've made a cover for it with my shop name and branding embroidered on it.

My dining room table is going to be used as a 'mock' stall table. That will help me decide how to set things up on the day of the craft fair...and display my products for the business launch.

The invites have been sent for my launch. I'm having an open house for on Saturday afternoon so my family and friends can see my designs before the craft fair. Just nice and relaxed...with wine and nibbles.

My business cards are in the final stages of being designed. I just need to get the order in tomorrow so they'll arrive for Saturday.

I reckon that's it for now.

Here's a badge I made in metal work class in school.

What can I say...the frog obsession over spilled into my school work too...

It got me top marks though!
Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Fabric Boxes...part 9

Things are hotting up! It's all go.

I now have a small mountain of items in my front room just waiting for the finishing touches before being ready for sale!

My business launch is set for Saturday so family and friends can see what I've been working on for the past few months. I have a few more days then to get ready for the craft fair next week. After that will be the launch of the shop. Fingers crossed everything goes to plan!

Here's another fabric box...the last one. I didn't realise I had made so many.

A larger one this time.

It's surprising how much material you can get in there!

Right. I need to get back to sewing!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 20 May 2013

Fabric Boxes...part 8

Ah...another productive day! My Mum turned up first thing this morning laden down with goodies for me. It was a quick cup of tea and a catch up and then on with sewing. She's a star...helping me get ready for the craft fair next week.

Here's another fabric box.

Again, I made it out of a tea towel.

I keep all my small off-cuts of material I use for applique work in it. Nothing goes to waste!

It's getting a bit on the full side...

Right...I've got to get back to it!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 19 May 2013

Fabric Boxes...part 7

A great day at Mr C's best friend's birthday barbecue. The sun was shining...everyone was in a great was perfect.

Here's another fabric box.

Made from a stripey tea towel this time.

Its full of long over-due half finished projects from my Brambly Hedge sewing book ...skirts...embroidered petticoats...hats...arms...feet...heads. Maybe not the best thing to have a box full of!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 18 May 2013

Fabric Boxes...part 6

A well deserved day off today. A sunny one too!

Me and Mr C went for lunch with his family and friends. Then we all went for a walk along the beach with an ice cream. Perfect in its simplicity.

Here's another fabric box.

I made it out of a tea towel. I thought it was far too pretty to use for drying dishes!

Perfect for storing my few attempts at knitting.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 17 May 2013

Fabric Boxes...part 5

I've had my up and up day I wanted a couple of days ago.

Much more progress has been made on the production line. Yay!

Here's another fabric box...

Short blog today...Mr C has arrived...I suppose I better put the sewing aside and  spend some time with him :)

Have a good weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 16 May 2013

Fabric Boxes...part 4

To save time changing threads and stitches on the sewing machine I've been busy making things in bulk. Stage by stage. Just like a production line. It also helped me put all my ideas onto material. It takes time before you start seeing finished items.

Now, I'm beginning to see progress!

Instead of piles of material laid out over my front room floor of different shapes and sizes...there are now finished products ready to be sold!

I'm not allowing myself to get too excited...not just yet anyway...there's still plenty of work to be done!

Here's another fabric box. One I made for me this time.

It's full of applique shapes all cut out and ready to be ironed and sewn onto a quilt I'm making. More on that another day :)

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Fabric Boxes...part 3

It feels like Groundhog Day... Up...down...up...down...up. I'm looking forward to an up...up...up again!

Concentrating on the positive...

Having breakfast with my Mum and youngest niece...who showed me a magic trick...several times over and I still couldn't work out how she did it. Outsmarted by a 7 year old!

Being very happy with my designs I've finished making. Things are beginning to fall into place!

Lets not go into the downs...

Here's another fabric box.

One I made for my eldest niece.

She's filled it with all her ribbons.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Fabric Boxes...part 2

What a day...up...down...up...down...up...up!

Just when I think I've got things sorted and am on track...I find I haven't. Very frustrating.

On the positive...I have now have a plan of action...and spoken to a lovely lady about an event being held that I'm applying to have a stall there and now I'm on the phone to a very dear friend. Multi-tasking!

Here's another fabric box from Tilda's 'Sew Pretty Homestyle'.

Part of my niece's Christmas Present.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 13 May 2013

Fabric Boxes...part 1

Tiredness is kicking in after yesterday's news...I've sat here for more than half an hour wondering what to write...and not come up with much more than...

Here's a box!

Sometimes best to keep it simple.

It's a Tilda inspired box made out of fabric. It was part of my niece's Christmas present, along with her An Angelic Pincushion, Bag for Threads and A Bag for Buttons.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 12 May 2013

...and some roses are blue.

As much as I like to focus on the positive...some days are just blue.

I received some sad news this morning.

It wasn't my intention it's the turn of the blue rose.

I made it at the same time as yesterday's red rose. 

It's going to be a tough few weeks...but concentrate on the positive...I have a business to get up and running and another craft fair to prepare for. It will be a challenge...and I may have to launch on a small scale...but launch I will!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

P.s there is no picture today as I had to rush out the house. I'll upload tomorrow for you when I get home x

Saturday 11 May 2013

Roses are Red...

I was wide awake at 4.30 this morning...the birds were tweeting away merrily. At 6.30 I decided to get up and crack on organising my sewing room!

It works perfectly for home use. Running a business is different. I need an office space as well as room for sewing...and there is lots of sewing...organised piles of it everywhere. My production line is in full progress!

I don't think I realised just how much organisation there would need to be...not at this stage anyway. Storage boxes R Us!

There are boxes for the craft fairs...price tags...material for covering the table, etc.  There are boxes for 'customer service'...tissue paper, sticky labels, business cards, etc.

I invested in some clear perspex draws yesterday. Every part of my production process is now visible....templates, etc without even opening a draw. Much better than hunting around for things. They look great too!

Here's a rose I made out of Fimo modelling clay.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 10 May 2013

A Pot for Pens

A girl can never have enough even though my pot in Pens for the Memory is jam packed with pens...I have another one...just as full.

One of my earlier attempts at using the potters wheel.

Like I said...jam packed!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

p.s. my laptop unfreezed itself! Yay! I unplugged it from the power and let the battery run down. When I switched it on this morning it worked just fine :)

Thursday 9 May 2013

A Badger with Flowers

I was in the middle of writing my blog laptop decided to freeze! 

It would be okay normally but...I've lost my voice...too much I can't phone anyone for help!

I could text but I just want to get on with sewing. I'm in the middle on building up stock for my shop. Very exciting!

I thought I'd give the Blogger App a go. It's fine...except I don't seem to have a choice where the photos go...or in what order.

There may be some re-publishing later. Thats when my laptop decides to unfreeze itself!

My friend did this cross stitch for me years ago.

I treasure it because it was such an unexpected gift. They're the best sort!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 8 May 2013

A Love Heart for a Friend

Just got back from the local enterprise meeting. Tonight it was about...blogging!

It was a mixed group. Some of us have been blogging for a little while. Some don't know much about computers. We're all at different stages of setting up or running our businesses too. At whichever point we're at though it's a great way to share ideas and review what you're doing.

Tonight I've reviewed how my blog will link up with my Facebook page (to be set up!) website (to be set up!) Etsy shop...and my business cards.

I've also decided which accountant I'm going to use...which company to use for my business cards...and which site creator to use for my website...and changes I need to make for my accounts systems.

Here's a heart that I made for a friend.

I kept it simple...with a line of 'vine' stitching around the edge for decoration.

Back to sewing! So happy I have my sewing machine back!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 7 May 2013

A Hand Knitted Scarf

Its been a long day...I've been up since 4.30am. Couldn't sleep. At 6.30am I gave up trying and was up cutting out material.

Then I got the magic call to say my sewing machine is repaired. Yippee! It is now back in my sewing room where it belongs. The plan was to put it to use straight is still where I left it...

Mr C's sister came over for the afternoon and we sat outside enjoying the sunshine before Mr C came over to join us for tea. It was so nice being able to sit outside and eat. We had to sit outside. My dining table is covered...and material...

My sister knitted this scarf for me.

Silky and soft with my favourite colour. Duck Egg Blue. Perfect.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 6 May 2013

A Wine Glass with my name on it!

I love days like these...unplanned and getting loads done.

Mr C and me started with sitting outside a cafe next to the sea having a healthy sandwich...and not so healthy milkshake with ice-cream...I can recommend toasted marshmallow flavour. Haven't come across that one before. So sweet though!

Then a walk across the street for an ice-cream before driving to a couple of local pubs to sit outside for a (non-alcoholic) drink.

Then back home to sit outside and do some hand sewing and write my blog while watching the sun go down.

My friend painted this wine glass for me.

It has my name on one side...

...and flowers on the other.

It sits proudly on my bookcase.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 5 May 2013

Matching Luggage for Pumpkin

Another day of sunshine...friends popped in for a visit before their bike ride then Mr C and me went to watch the Duck Races at the village I used to live in.

Great fun! We backed the wrong ducks though...ours forgot about getting to the end of the race first and kept getting stuck in the embankment...

Hopefully a lot of money was raised for charity too. One of my closet friends is climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in 5 weeks time and some of the money will go towards her fundraising for the local hospice.

I was going through my photos and realised I didn't show you the photos of the luggage I made for Pumpkin, the doll I made for my niece (see A Pumpkin for a Head)

I made two bags. One to match her gilet, the other to match her jeans.

Well, a girl can never have enough bags!
Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 4 May 2013

A Shawl of Angora

A whirlwind tour of Somerset with Mr C today...

First stop...Hestercombe House. It used to be the Head Quarters for Somerset Fire Brigade.

Just enough time for a quick peek and a cup of tea.

Then off to Glastonbury Tor. It looked just as pretty as this picture.

The view from the top is amazing...

...which you get to see by climbing steps. A LOT of steps.

This picture gives you a good idea of just how many...

It was so windy...poor Mr had to hold my hand and almost drag me up. I was convinced I would be blown over... Getting down was so much easier!

Then off to Glastonbury town for a walk around and to see the Abby gardens...

...where King Arthur and his Lady Guinevere are buried.

Then back in the car to find a pub for tea and a shared ice cream sundae :)

Now I'm curled up on the settee watching TV while Mr C hits the town with his fire fighting buddies to celebrate...

He is back on operational duties next week having been given the all clear by his consultant after his open heart surgery. Fully recovered. Yip yip yipppeeeeee!

My Grandma made this shawl... modelled here by my tailors dummy.

I think...think...she machine knitted it rather than crocheted it. I could be wrong.

I love it...though every time I wear it I find I'm covered in green wool...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx