Wednesday 31 July 2013

Handmade Holiday Memories...part 2

I'm still sewing away in my sewing room...getting ready for the festival this weekend. Making good progress!

On with my travels...

Two years after my visit to Venice...I returned...with three friends who I met in Italy on the tour to Sorrento and Almafi Coast that I mentioned yesterday.

We've stayed in contact...though I'm a bit hit and miss on my contact...and have been on holiday a couple of times since and met up in London a few times too.

When we arrived we couldn't find the I went into a bar to ask for directions...and was very happy to find my Italian was good enough for me to understand the man saying he needed to get his glasses so he could show me the hotel on the map!

When we visited Murano I managed to find the same little shop that I bought the tap statue from. This time I bought 3 little fish.

I've stuck them to the front of the cabinet where I keep the tap...and made them look like they are swimming along in water.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Handmade Holiday Memories...part 1

To help me get through preparing for 2 large events that are 3 days apart...I'm going to share with you some handmade holiday memories...

I went to Venice...years ago...with a friend I worked with. It was one of those spur of the moment decisions. We just booked up and went.

At the airport I bought my first pair of running shoes...and...I couldn't be convinced to get out of bed to go running the first was January and freezing outside...but I did go the next couple of mornings...and loved it!

If you're going to start running then Venice is a pretty good place to start!

Since then I've taken my running shoes on a few time I found myself responsible for leading a group of people I was on tour with to a restaurant I had found on a little jetty in Sorrento on one of my morning runs.

Anyway...while my friend and me where in Venice we visited the islands. When we were on Murano...home of glass making...we came across a little shop that sold these glass taps...with a little fish in the drip...about to join the two fish in the bowl below.

It caught my imagination so had to buy one.

Right...I can delay no more...back to sewing!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 29 July 2013

A Pretty Sundress

A good days work done today I think...

Products finished and more on the business cards ordered...and a voucher designed for a competition giveaway for the North Devon Show!

Here's a Burda pattern for a dress...

...and here's me wearing my version.

I was in my early 20s...on holiday in Turkey. As part of a day trip we visited a place where they made Turkish I am standing on a pile of rugs.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 28 July 2013

A Sliver of a Dress

I actually managed to escape my flat today...for all of about 3 hours!

Mr C and me went out for lunch so I could have a break from getting ready for the events.

Then its been full speed ahead again...cutting...sewing...organising.

Here's a dress I made...not the one hanging on the front of the wardrobe...I borrowed that one for my University Spring Ball...the one hanging on the left-hand side. Blue and white.

Another piece of clothing I have longer have...and have no photo of it.

Lots of work went into that Sliver of a Dress!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 27 July 2013

Slivers of Skirts

The moral of the story today...and for the next couple of days... is...if you make something...take a photo of it.

You never day you may find yourself challenging yourself to the 365 day challenge...and every little thing you've ever made counts!

Here I am wearing the top from the 1970's Retro Revival blog.

In the wardrobe behind me are 3 skirts I made.

A long floral skirt...a shorter floral skirt...and a blue skirt with white patterns on it.

3 blogs for the price of 1!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 26 July 2013

A Trip down Memory Lane...part 5

Last trip down Memory Lane today...

Here's my Mum and Dad.

My Mum is wearing another wrap-around skirt that she made, this time a floral one.

Have a happy weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 25 July 2013

A Trip down Memory Lane...part 4

I'm sat here surrounded by doorstops! They look like building blocks there are so many of them. Very pretty building blocks.

My production line for the three events I'm attending in August is coming along nicely.

Here's a picture of my sister and me...wearing matching pink dresses and sun hats.

My sister is holding onto a large rag doll that was made for us.

Lucky girls that we were...we were often given handmade toys as gifts.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 24 July 2013

A Trip down Memory Lane...part 3

I hope you're enjoying seeing my childhood photos as much as I'm enjoying sharing them.

I love looking through old photograph albums...and I used to spend hours with my Grandparents listening to their stories...their childhoods...newly married life...their life in the armed life.

Here's me and my sister wearing dresses my Grandma made for us.

And here we are skipping down a sea front pavilion.

My sister looks deep in thought with her hands on her hips!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 23 July 2013

A Trip down Memory Lane...part 2 I am going to get into trouble for this one... I like the photo so I'm sharing it anyway :)

Here's my my Great Grandad's garden...wearing a blue wrap-around skirt she had made.

Nicely accessorised with aviator sunglasses and t-bar wedge heeled sandals.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 22 July 2013

A Trip down Memory Lane...part 1

We hit the over 5000 reads today well and truly! Thank you.

After yesterday's blog about achievements despite tough times...I thought I would lighten the mood and share with you happy childhood memories that have inspired me in all things handmade.

Here I a skirt my Grandma made me.

Sat on the floor with my first sewing machine. An old hand Singer machine. It must have been my birthday.

In the very front of the picture is my first sewing basket.'s one of my favourite photos...My Great-Grandad with me and my sister in our homemade rhubarb leaf hats!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 21 July 2013

An Honest Elephant

We're now over the 365 day challenge half way mark! Just a few reads away from my blog being read 5000 times! In over 15 countries!

I don't know how that fairs against other blogs...for me though, it's not a competition. Just a way of showing myself that, yes, I do finish things. Lots of things! That, yes, I can set up my own business, and run it. Despite what life throws at me...

Everyday I hope I sound positive. However...the past few months have been pretty darn tough. I want to share some things with you...

Back in some roses are blue. I wrote I had received some bad news. I didn't say what news. It's always a balancing act with writing a blog...what to share...what not to. This time it was a definite not to. Privacy was needed. Mr C's Dad had died.

The funeral was a week later...two days before my planned business launch. With Mr C's, and his family's blessing, I went ahead; I held a small launch party with family and friends.

All this has happened within 10 months of Mr C himself having open heart surgery...and me finding out I suffer with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

In part...the PTSD is down to an articulated lorry picking a fight with me and my car when I was driving home for Christmas. Ironically, Chris Rea's song 'Driving Home for Christmas' was playing on the radio at the moment of impact. I kid you not.

I am learning to manage I know that's what I have...and having finally got the help I needed to learn how to manage it (by ensuring I get a full nights healthily...get exercise...spend time with family and friends...mainly be calm and relax). It's true...laughter is the best medicine. So is being positive and getting on with things.

Writing my blog and setting up my business has helped. A new start. A big challenge. It's proved to me I can still achieve. Whatever the circumstances. I hope it inspires you to do the same.

Here's an elephant I made out of Fimo.

I found out recently that they suffer with PTSD too.

There is an amazing sanctuary in provides refuge to elephants who have suffered trauma.

You can sponsor the elephants in the I sponsor one that shares it's name with my sister...who's best friend was an elephant with my name!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 20 July 2013

A Planter

A day spent getting organised...

I've taken loads of photos for my blog...completed projects and ones that need completing...and what with writing everyday and getting the business set up...they've got a tad I've taken some time out to untangle them.

Maybe not the best thing to do on a hot sunny day...watching Steel Magnolias and Mamma Mia have helped me through it.

Here's a planter I made in my ceramics class.

Its about 2 ft x 1 ft...slab work...with triangles cut out along the bottom edges.

I like everything just so...neat and tidy...

This time though I went for a different look...and poured glaze over the pot in different angles before firing it in the kiln.

It now sits on my Mum's window ledge full of pot plants.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 19 July 2013

Cross Stitch Frogs

I had the loveliest feedback from a customer today...she couldn't believe her cushion was handmade...and she used to sew for a living. Praise indeed!

Today has been spent cutting out lots of material...then off to visit a customer as I'm doing some bespoke pictures for her. Now its a bit cooler I'm going to get moving on sewing. I've got stock to make for shows!

Here's a cross-stitch my Mum did for me.

Those two outside frogs have definitely got their eyes on that dragon fly!

Have a great weekend everyone...enjoy the sunshine!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 18 July 2013

Up Up Up and Away!

Its getting hot in here!

By early afternoon I had to be kind to my sewing machine and stop using it before it went into melt down due to heat exhaustion...back to the ironing then...not really the best thing to do on a hot sunny day.

One of my dearest friends...we call each bruv and sis as we've been friends since high school...came round to see me today.

He came to collect his of my cushions...a 40th wedding anniversary present for his Mum and Dad. A very happy anniversary Mr & Mrs B! xx

My birds are flying off into the wild...into new homes!

Here's a cross stitch my Mum did for me.

Winnie The Pooh. I've been a bit of a fan since I was little. my primary school bag...which I still have...tucked away.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Poster of Congratulations...part 3

Ah...another day spent choosing material...ironing...cutting...and more ironing.

That's the thing with applique work...there's a lot of ironing!

My production line is back in full swing. Full steam ahead with preparation for the Castle Hill Car Festival on 3rd and 4th August and then The North Devon Show on 7th August.

Links for both events are on my website.

My make for third poster of congratulations given to me by my eldest niece.

A frog poster for a froggiac :)

This is what we were up to at the weekend...making sandcastles.

Did that moat take some making...and within 5 minutes of it being finished it was abandoned for a swim in the sea!!

Think I'll stick with making things that last much longer.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Poster of Congratulations...part 2

I've spent the day doing one of my favourite parts of applique work...choosing the material I'm going to use for each piece of work...

There's been a considerable amount of ironing and cutting done too.  I'm surrounded by piles of birds and hearts of all different sizes and colours.

Part of me is...very...tempted to stay up all night sewing as I want to see the finished pieces of work!

Here's my make of the day...a poster painted by my eldest niece. You can't publish one without the other :)

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 15 July 2013

Poster of Congratulations...part 1

I received good news today...

I've been allocated a table at the 'Handmade St Anne's Christmas Fair'. It's the first fair being held in the chapel, and is on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd November.

I'll post more details on my website once I have more details.

Here's my make of the day...a poster painted by my youngest niece with the name of my shop on it.

When I arrived on Saturday afternoon to collect the girls they ran out to greet me with their bags packed and posters they had painted for me.

A great welcome :)

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 14 July 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose Shop

I'm feeling the effects of looking after and entertaining the little people...very tired...

Here's my make for today...

My Etsy shop which I launched on Friday.

I know I gave the link on Friday (Sweet Gardenia Rose Shop) but I think it deserves it's own blog :)

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 13 July 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose Website

The technical magic has done its thing!

I'm very pleased to say my make of the day is my website.

You can find it by clicking on this link... Sweet Gardenia Rose

I hope you like it.

Right, I'm off to collect my little nieces...Miss M and Miss H...who are staying with me for the weekend. I'm taking some well deserved time out...and making the most of the sunshine!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 12 July 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose Facebook Page

Okay my lovely readers...this is it!

The launch of my shop and Facebook page!

My website should be available...sometime around midnight... I'm still waiting for the technical magic to do its work.

You can visit my shop by clicking on this link Etsy Shop - Sweet Gardenia Rose.

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Facebook Page

Here's my make of the Facebook page.

You will find it under Sweet Gardenia Rose.

I'll be putting links to both sites on my blog very soon.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 11 July 2013

Tapestry Coaster...part 2

Think things are beginning to catch up with me...feeling tired after all the long hours...

So I've spent most of today just quietly organising all my materials ready for next week's sewing marathon. I need to get lots of stock ready for the North Devon Show, Castle Hill Car Festival and Prim & Proper Events in Torquay. All in August!

There's still a few things to do on my To Do list for tomorrow's shop opening too. May not be the early night I intended...

Here's a coaster I made from yesterday's Mini Tapestry.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Mini Tapestry...part 2

The photographer brought round my photos today...and they're fabulous! Lots of thanks to the lovely Miss L. Not only has she edited all my photos...she has watermarked them for me. They look beautiful.

The last few days have been like a whirlwind. One amazing day after another.

At the craft fair on Saturday, once again, I only heard positive comments about my products. That gives me so much confidence to charge ahead with my business. I met some great people, from customers to other craft stall holders to a potential business partner, to someone who just needed my help and advice which I gladly gave.

So...the potential business partner...I met someone who is interested in selling my products through a website she is setting up for local businesses. Both she, and a potential customer, said they had never seen designs like mine. Which is good...they're copyrighted!

Sunday I spent all day glued to my laptop designing my website. Monday was spent buying materials...and wilting in the heat!

Yesterday I went to an Enterprise Club meeting to discuss the North Devon Show. I've been lucky enough to be given a pitch in a marquee with 15 other new businesses who also attend the clubs. Very exciting!

At the end of the meeting I was approached by one of the businesses about selling my products in her new shop...which is due to open in town very soon. At this point the 'Giddy Kipper' excitement went into overdrive!

Today I had a meeting with one of my mentors. He said he's quite envious of me being in charge of my own destiny...even if I am working into the wee hours of the night...and stood up and shook my hand at the end of the meeting. I walked out of that building with my head held high! Off I went to buy materials...with the confidence to ask about bulk buying and discounts.

It is very true...the basic law of physics is positive attracts positive. That...and a willingness to put the hours in!

For the rest of today I've been glued to my laptop Facebook page is complete and ready to go shop now has products listed...I just need to finalise postage website needs some more photos adding...and my Twitter profile needs editing.

All will be finished tomorrow...ready for launching on Friday! Yip Yip Yipppeeeeee!

I'm looking forward to introducing my products to you!

Here's the second mini tapestry that I made.

Some of the flowers are represented by small pink beads that I've sewn onto the canvas.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Tapestry Coaster...part 1

Oh my...another long...and!

I'll tell you all about it it's late at night think I best get some tea and sleep. I've got another full day tomorrow. An early meeting...then a meeting with the see my photos!

Here's a coaster I made out of the tapestry I showed you yesterday.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 8 July 2013

A Mini Tapestry...part 1

Just got back from a LONG shopping trip in Bristol with the lovely Mrs W.

We were buying stock and display materials.

Very productive day...with good company. Now very tired...

Early start tomorrow... Got an Enterprise meeting first thing to discuss the North Devon Show. We have a pitch there. Very exciting!

Here's a mini tapestry I made...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 7 July 2013

A Vision Board that Works!

What a day!

Aside from the small fact that Andy Murray won Wimbledon, the first man to do so for 77 years...

I've finished my Facebook page...and updated my Twitter logo. Now I'm just waiting for my website host to do some technical magic...the photos to come back from the photographer so I can add them to all my sites...list my products in the shop...and...wait for it...LAUNCH!

Here's a noticeboard I made... covering a cork pin-board with material then stapling it, and lace at regular intervals, to the back of the board.

It took some muscle with a heavy duty stapler!

I used it to display photos of things I've made. To remind me I do finish things! I had that many projects on the go I used to wonder...

Since writing my blog it's turned into a vision board. Now I just need to make one for my shop.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

p.s. for those of you who noticed there was no blog yesterday...and didn't receive my email yesterday...sorry. I did write one. I also published it. I am determined to meet the 365 day challenge! For some reason it didn't publish...and I was so tired after the craft fair...where I wrote my blog on the phone app...that I was fast asleep before the email would normally I didn't notice my phone not pinging. It was only when I checked the blog URL this afternoon that I saw there was something not quite right... It took a bit of sorting...but sort it I did!

Saturday 6 July 2013

Thatch Cottage Tapestry

I'm at the market...Ruby Country the Bull Pen. Thankfully with no bull! Although there are little ducklings a few stalls away.

Lesson learnt today...check whether the fair organisers provide a table...

They don't at this fair and somehow I had missed that...quite important...point. Hmmm...

With only an hour to the fair opening I quickly re-arranged my whole display. Thank goodness for cardboard boxes! I upturned a couple and spread my tablecloth over them. The display is low but I'm in a corner pen and it works. Phew!

I'll put a photo on my blog in a few days for you to see.

Here's a of my first.

Until tomorrow
Nic xx

Friday 5 July 2013

Price Labels

I'm busy getting ready for the craft fair tomorrow...putting in place some of the finishing touches.

A short blog tonight as I need to get on with things...and somehow get a decent night's sleep! It's an early start...6 am... I'll need to get the car packed, collect my Mum, who is keeping me company, then we've got an hour's drive down to Hatherleigh, before setting up ready for a 9 am start.

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Price Labels

Thought I would share with you what I've been working on today.

Price labels.

I want to give my products a vintage chic look.

Have a great weekend everyone. Enjoy the sunshine!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 4 July 2013

A Ceramic Frog Plaque...part 2

Another amazing day!

This morning's 2 hour workshop on building a website was so useful...some great ideas came out of it on style and content. I've made a good I need to build on it.

The session with the photographer was great...loads of photos taken...and I'm looking forward to getting them next week. Sometimes it pays to invest in some help...and not feel you have to do things all yourself. The dividends...great photos...a professional looking shop and website...more ideas...another business contact...and friend...and we're going to link our sites up. It's a win win situation...all in 2 hours!

Then I had 2 lovely visitors...Mr C's Mum and sister...we had a sit outside in the sunshine to catch up.

2 is definitely the magic number today!

Sticking to that sheer are 2 frogs.

They're painted onto a ceramic in A Ceramic Frog Plaque.

Same design...different number...different colours.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 3 July 2013

A Crocheted Christmas PomPom

What an amazing day!

I've been busy sewing...getting ready for the Craft Fair on Saturday. My Mum's a star and has been helping out...cutting material...keeping me sane...

Then midday I went to meet the photographer who was brimming with ideas! We've arranged a photo shoot for tomorrow. How exciting!

I'm getting nearer to opening my shop on Etsy...getting my Facebook page set up...and setting up my website. Not only have I got a photo shoot tomorrow...I'm also attending a website design workshop in the morning which the Enterprise Club have organised.

Oh...calls with family and friends...and a visit from my sister and her cheeky chap for the second night running :)

Here's a pompom my Norwegian friend crocheted for me.

I hang it on my picture frame at Christmas time.

I love lovely and squishy!

Right...back to burning the midnight oil!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Bespoke Suit from Vietnam

Still steadily working away on my 'To'Do' list...lots of ordering done...and I'm looking forward to meeting a photographer tomorrow to discuss ideas on how to present my products. Very exciting!

Here's the last of my Vietnamese makes...a bespoke skirt and jacket suit.

I can't remember the name of the's a gorgeous heavy chocolate pin-stripe.

Both the jacket and skirt are fully lined.

The jacket has matching covered buttons and small pocket detailing.

I thought I would share some photos of my travels too, as for me, it was a trip of a lifetime.

Every time you see a film about Vietnam it is always about the war. I knew there must be more to the country. There is. It is beautiful. So are the people. So friendly. And the food...delicious!

One Pillar Pagoda, Hanoi

Ho Chi Minh's House on Stilts, Hanoi

Paper Street, Hanoi

Citadel Building, Hoi An

Marble Mountain

Paddy Field

China Beach

We had a flight change at Malaysia. With nine hours to spare we gained visas for the day and got a taxi into Kuala Lumpur for a quick tour of the city...where I had the most amazing watermelon smoothie!

Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx