Tuesday 31 December 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Christmas Cards

Let the countdown for the new year begin!

...and the countdown for the end of my 365 day challenge begin too! Only 3 more posts to go after this one! Wow...it seems to have come round quick!

I'm having a quiet night in with Mr C...good food...a few drinks...and...well...the company has a lot to be desired...C seems to stand for cheeky! It started the moment he turned up...and laughed at my hair...what can I say...it's naturally curly... So...as revenge...I'm making him watch Mamma Mia and listen to Pierce Brosnan singing!! When it's finished...I might put it on +1 and make him watch the last hour again if he's not careful!

Anyway...the end of the year is always a time of reflection for me...which is what I've spent some time doing over the past few weeks...deciding where my business is going to go over the next 6-12 months. I'll give more of an insight on my last post of the challenge.

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Christmas Cards

In the meantime...here's my make of the day...Christmas Cards with my bird motif.

Enjoy the remaining hours of 2013...and making plans for the shiny new year ahead!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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