Friday 6 December 2013

A Hand Embroidered Table Cloth

A day of plans and excitement today... started last night at the Christmas Fayre...when Jules of Hey Jules! and me started making plans for next year on where we want our businesses to be ... all done to the sound of carol singers merrily singing 'O Come All Ye Faithful'...and Christmas Elves handing out candy sticks to passers by.

Sweet Gardenia Rose at the Christmas Fair in Barnstaple Pannier Market

Today's power ahead into the world of retail...starting with making my whole collection available in Furniture of Monday!

My collection will be displayed in the shop it will be in the days and weeks leading up to Valentines Day next year. Designs already in progress! An exclusive range...workshops...and more...will also be available in the new this space!

Here's my make of the day...or I should's my Grandma's make of the day.

A Hand Embroidered Tablecloth...beautifully displayed on my living room floor ;) dining room table is still in my bedroom...with two boxes on top of it...brimming with projects that need finishing...

I nearly didn't include this table cloth in my blog... the finish is so good I thought it was manufactured...a quick check with my Mum...who confirmed it was embroidered by hand.

A talent and skill to aspire to!

Many a happy time has been spent in my Grandparents' home...sat at the table (the one now in my bedroom!)...with this cloth on the table...with my family...parents...sister...uncles...aunties...cousins...

Happy memories!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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