Thursday 12 December 2013

An Astronaut with a Bad Habit...

Oh my...4 minutes to go before the midnight deadline...and counting!

It's a bit like 10...9....8...7.... ...... and lift off!

I was given this book as a child. Somehow I seem to have 2 copies ? ...

Anyway... I never made any of the dolls as there were too many things you needed to have to make any of them...and I didn't find the instructions that clear either.

So...for the 365 day challenge...I set myself the challenge to make one of the dolls.

I decided on the Astronaut.

I can only say that this is definitely a book of it's time...the 70' I doubt you would now find on a list of things you need to make the doll...wait for it...a cigarette packet!

Photo of doll to follow tomorrow...minus space helmet...I will explain all then!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday...12th December 2013

Events conspired against me yesterday to get my blog done until the very last moments before midnight.

Happy calls from unexpected visit from my best friend.

It sure tested my writing skills! 4 minutes until the daily deadline and I hadn't even thought about what I was going to write. Good job I didn't get writer's block...though to be honest that rarely happens...I always seem to have plenty to say :)

I hadn't even decided on the 'Make of the Day'. Which is why there was no photo of the doll.

I made him a few weeks ago...and mentioned him in one of my posts. With the best of intentions I want to finish him...but I can't find a football to make...perhaps the most important item for a Spaceman...his Space Helmet.

So for now...he looks like this...

Poor funny looking thing...

Not being a smoker...or know anyone who smokes...I don't have the 'empty cigarette packet' that's suggested in the 'you will need' list. So...he's also without his oxygen tank.

Perhaps best put any trips into outer space on hold for now then...

Nic xx

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