Monday 23 December 2013

A Cross-Stitch Christmas Tree Decoration

What a great day...

A whole day business planning with Alison from Sew Country...sharing ideas and working on plans for the next 6 months.

Then we both spent a couple of hours in Furniture Magpie...sharing ideas for Twitter and workshops.

One of my potential customers liked my collection so much that when she heard I'm going to hold workshops is now thinking she will bring her bridal party along to one of them! (There's a sneak preview!). She lives several counties away! What a wonderful testament to my work. Wow! I think I need to say that again...Wow!

Since I've got home I seem to have been on the phone non-stop...which is why I'm writing this so late in the day...

Here's my make of the day...a Father Christmas Cross-Stitch Christmas Tree Decoration.

Made for me by my Mum.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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