Monday 2 December 2013

A Caftan for Sindy

I was just about to crawl into bed...when I remembered I hadn't written my blog. Eek!

My reason...or I've just got back home...11.30pm...from spending the day with my friend.

He's back home from Vietnam for a short time so we've spent our time catching up.

Mr C came to join us in the evening...and found us sat at the same table in a local hotel restaurant we had been sat at since 1pm this afternoon!


When I was little my Sindy doll was one of my favourite dolls.

My Mum knitted her a whole wardrobe of clothes...most of them have been shown on my blog now.

I also made her clothes...

Here's my attempt at the Caftan from the patterns above.

I must have only been about 10 or 11 at the time I made it so I guess it's okay that the stitching is not the best...and its not quite as glamorous as the one on the pattern!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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