Friday 20 December 2013

A Christmas Cake

I visited the 'In Stitches' exhibition at the Burton Art Gallery in Bideford with my Mum today...

Wow...there were some amazing examples of hand stitching on the quilts! Some machine stitched...but mainly hand stitched.

There was a good combination of contemporary and traditional style too. Someone had quilted clothes onto their quilt. What a great idea!

I feel inspired now to finish my Meme's Quilt. After Christmas...need a break first!

Two days ago my Mum phoned...could she pop down for a visit with my nieces...they have a present for me.

They had made a Christmas cake...

...with two little snowmen on top.

One is me and the other is Mr C! How sweet and thoughtful!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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