Saturday 21 December 2013

Horse Cushion...part 7

I'm mid Strictly Come Dancing final...and re-arranging my sewing room (again!)...

On the one hand emotional...and the other frustrated. I need more space!

Back to house hunting in the New Year I think!

Once Valentines Day is done and dusted. Yep...Christmas hasn't come yet and I'm already planning for the next special date in the calendar! Well...I have got a window display to prepare for!

Designs all done...I've just got to get working on them. Which is why I need more space for sewing!

In the meantime...I've collected more cushion covers to get making. And I thought I'd be taking a break over Christmas. Ha!

Here's one from the last batch I finished...

...with a denim backing.

Right...back to re-arranging furniture. Yippeeee!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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