Tuesday 16 April 2013

Royal Costumes for a Carnival

One day I arrived home from college...to find my sister and her friend in the living room deep in the middle of a discussion with my Mum...they looked quite worried...

What's going on I asked...

Well, they said...the Barnstaple Carnival is on Saturday...and we don't have our costumes organised...

They were in the Girls Nautical Corp...at that point it was the girls' division of Sea Cadets...now all under one name. My Dad was the Commander in Charge. A lorry had been organised to be used as a float. They would be sitting on it with some of the other cadets.

You do realise it is Thursday I said...that makes the carnival two days away...

Cheeks started to get rosy and there were flustered splutterings being made and 'I knows' being said as they stood there looking very sheepish. They had sat on this information for some time...quite some time...

We had a search. Mum had some blue material...just enough for one costume.

Right...I said...I'll go into town after college tomorrow to buy material for the other costume. Then I'll crack on with making the costumes as soon as I get home...as you could see they were looking to me for a solution...or a miracle...

I made a bargain with them...they had to find the rest of the items needed to complete the costumes.

Fortunately for me (and for them!) I managed to find material that was pretty perfect. Then I spent Friday night and Saturday morning sewing like mad to get the costumes made. Not on an electric sewing machine either...on my hand machine...my right arm was turning the crank over and over again...

I did it though. I completed the challenge! Actually, I quite enjoyed it...just don't tell them that...

Here they are...my sister is on the left.

Mary Queen of Scots and Queen Elizabeth I.

Historically, probably the only picture of them together smiling!

Here they are sat on the float before they joined the other floats.

I got to sit in the cab of the lorry during the procession so I could get a good view...well, I had to have some reward for all the hard work...except I was so shy I spent most of the time like an awkward teenager hiding away!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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