Thursday 18 April 2013

A Sandcastle

Mr C has just phoned on his way home from work to say 'Lets make the most of the sunshine and go out and get some fresh air and something to eat'...I'm deep in production...but then I've been busy all day so I think a break is well earned!

My production line is getting back on track after being completely derailed when I was ill. I'm going with the positive...I would rather get all the hiccups out the way in the early stages of getting the business set my sewing machine being sent away for a service because it isn't stitching... (I have a back-up...phew!)

Here's a sandcastle to mark the start of sunny days!

The sun is shining...I can hear the seagulls...hmm...what noise do seagulls make when they're flying around in the sky? Chirping...not quite...but we'll go with that.

Enjoy your evening whatever you decide to do. I think an ice-cream is in order...even if it is still a little chilly and windy.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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