Wednesday 3 April 2013

A Curtain for a Door

Before my spare room became what is now my lovely sewing room I had a lodger. There was just about enough room for two people as my flat isn't very big.

All my doors are fire doors. All except my bedroom door and the bathroom door have panels with wired glass. Safe but not attractive.

See-through too. No privacy then.

I wanted something that stayed in place rather than a curtain.

So I made a panel using material I had in my stock. Pale beige for the front. Old sheeting for the lining. Up-cycling! No one knew but me, and now you.

To add some interest I added two lines of brown velvet ribbon. I sewed the ribbon on 'inside out' so the smooth side faced out.

I threaded curtain wire through the top and bottom of the panel. I hooked the panel into place to metal loops I had screwed into the door.

Problem solved. Privacy intact!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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