Saturday 20 April 2013

My first attempt at home furnishing...

So here first attempt at home was the 80s...the decade of bright colours and geometric shapes...

I made these curtains when I was 16 or 17.

They even have tie backs.

My collection of frogs was growing...they're on my desk...on my window sill...on the wall (for my new readers...see A Frog Jumper for a Froggiac for an explanation).

Very importantly...on the left-hand side of the picture are some red roses...given to me by Mr C.

You see, he was the boy who asked me out when we were 16. We were in the same class at college. Chemistry. He sat in the middle row on the right of the class. I sat at the back on the left.

At the end of the second week I was walking down the road to go to my evening job when he caught up with me and asked me out. I remember standing there looking at him thinking I had absolutely no reason to say no to him...but suddenly realised I wanted to work in I did said no... Clearly nothing was going to get in my way!

Well, I did work in London...then about 5 years ago I returned to Devon...and Mr C and me got together. It only took 20 years for us to get there...

Some things are worth waiting for. Absolutely.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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