Sunday 14 April 2013

A Whale of a Time!

My friend came round last night for some girly chat and pizza. We had a great catch up.

We used to work together. Often we wouldn't see each other at work due to work load. Sometimes we would manage to escape the office and go for a walk at lunch time. I needed those breaks!

Life changed last year. Mr C found out he needed open heart surgery. It was quite a shock I can tell you! I took the chance to re-prioritise my life. I decided to put him first. No more commuting. Left my job to be with him in hospital and during his recuperation afterwards. I don't miss the commuting. Definitely not! I do miss seeing my friend more.

Yesterday I introduced her to putting Emoji  pictures in text messages. Childlike and silly I know. It makes me smile.

Today she got a text with a picture of a whale to say 'I had a whale of a time!'

My sister introduced me to the pictures. I've told another friend about it.

Soon all my text conversations will be in hieroglyphics!'s a whale. Made out of Fimo modelling clay.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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