Monday 1 April 2013

A Ceramic Frog Plaque

Have any of you done Mosaics? I would love to see your work if you have. It's something that fascinates me. Being able to create a work of art from small coloured tiles.

I've been lucky enough to see some great examples of mosaic in Cyprus, Turkey, Sicily, Italy and in the UK. It must be amazing to discover and bring back to their former glory these works of art.

The nearest I've got to doing mosaic work myself is buying and inheriting books on the subject. My Grandma was interested in mosaics too.

This book, 'Mosaics in a Weekend' by Martin Cheek has the loveliest Frog Splashback  One day I intend to make it for my bathroom.

I love the colour of the tiles, but it's the 'movement' of the frog that caught my attention. It isn't just sat there. It's mid flight and on the way to somewhere.

In my ceramics class I decided to use the template to make a tile.

Now I have three frogs playing leap frog over each other.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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