Tuesday 31 December 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Christmas Cards

Let the countdown for the new year begin!

...and the countdown for the end of my 365 day challenge begin too! Only 3 more posts to go after this one! Wow...it seems to have come round quick!

I'm having a quiet night in with Mr C...good food...a few drinks...and...well...the company has a lot to be desired...C seems to stand for cheeky! It started the moment he turned up...and laughed at my hair...what can I say...it's naturally curly... So...as revenge...I'm making him watch Mamma Mia and listen to Pierce Brosnan singing!! When it's finished...I might put it on +1 and make him watch the last hour again if he's not careful!

Anyway...the end of the year is always a time of reflection for me...which is what I've spent some time doing over the past few weeks...deciding where my business is going to go over the next 6-12 months. I'll give more of an insight on my last post of the challenge.

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Christmas Cards

In the meantime...here's my make of the day...Christmas Cards with my bird motif.

Enjoy the remaining hours of 2013...and making plans for the shiny new year ahead!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 30 December 2013

A Felt Gingerbread Lady Christmas Tree Decoration...part 4

I'm still surrounded by lots of little felt decorations...

...and in spite of all the sneezing and spluttering...I've managed to finish a little Gingerbread Lady...

Here she is...oh so cute!

...with her pink cheeks, red bow and heart.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 29 December 2013

A Felt Lollipop Christmas Tree Decoration...part 3

I'm coughing and sneezing like a good 'un while writing this...

...wrapped up in my pyjamas...with a hot water bottle tucked in my dressing gown to keep me warm...

...surrounded by lots of little felt decorations...all cut out...and waiting to be embroidered and stitched together...

Here's one I've finished...a Felt Lollipop.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 28 December 2013

A Felt Candy Cane Christmas Tree Decoration...part 2

Well...the Christmas Celebrations are well and truly over...care of Mr C sharing his germs...

Bah Humbug...I now have a stinking rotten cold!

It's just about been all I can do to make the 'Make of the Day'...and sleep...

So here it is...a Felt Candy Cane.

With red stripes this time.

Hope none of you catch these pesky germs...they seem to be doing the rounds!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 27 December 2013

A Felt Candy Cane Christmas Tree Decoration...part 1

Enjoying the Christmas festivities is still in full swing...

Playing games Father Christmas delivered to my nieces...and listening to the drums being played...yes...drums! A full set. And having my hair decorated. Nope...the photos won't be shared on here!!

I'm looking forward to catching up with a good friend tomorrow...and then a party tomorrow night.

Here's my make of the day...

A Felt Candy Cane Christmas Tree Decoration.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 26 December 2013

Two Little Birds...hanging on the wall...

I've not long got back from visiting Mr C's Mum...

Last year I made her these two little birds...

...this year they've been given a job...to keep track of the nails in the walls for hanging pictures on...while her home is being re-decorated!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 25 December 2013

A Christmas Dove...part 2

I hope everyone has had a happy and peaceful day with your families and friends...

Here's my make of the day...another Christmas Dove.

This time with red detailing.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 24 December 2013

A Christmas Dove...part 1

I've just got home from visiting two very excited little girls...

Mr C and me went to visit my nieces, sister and Mum to make a special delivery. We had to leave in the hope they would settle down and go to sleep!

Here's my make of the day...a Christmas Dove.

When I was at the South Molton Art Bazaar there was a new artist...first time stall holder.

It wasn't so long ago that I was in her shoes. I wanted to support her new venture...so bought a few of these hanging decorations.

So very pretty...I have her email address as I'm tempted to get more!

Have a very happy and peaceful Christmas everybody!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 23 December 2013

A Cross-Stitch Christmas Tree Decoration

What a great day...

A whole day business planning with Alison from Sew Country...sharing ideas and working on plans for the next 6 months.

Then we both spent a couple of hours in Furniture Magpie...sharing ideas for Twitter and workshops.

One of my potential customers liked my collection so much that when she heard I'm going to hold workshops is now thinking she will bring her bridal party along to one of them! (There's a sneak preview!). She lives several counties away! What a wonderful testament to my work. Wow! I think I need to say that again...Wow!

Since I've got home I seem to have been on the phone non-stop...which is why I'm writing this so late in the day...

Here's my make of the day...a Father Christmas Cross-Stitch Christmas Tree Decoration.

Made for me by my Mum.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 22 December 2013

Horse Cushion...part 8

Is everyone beginning to feel festive?...

I put my decorations up today...then went out for Christmas dinner with Mr C. He's working Christmas Day so we celebrated early.

Then back home to watch Christmas films and wrap the presents.

Here's my make of the day...the last horse cushion of the batch...

...this time with a slate gray backing.

An early start tomorrow...I have a Dr Who cushion cover to get made up and dropped off at the shop before spending the day with Alison of Sew Country...business planning. Exciting stuff!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 21 December 2013

Horse Cushion...part 7

I'm mid Strictly Come Dancing final...and re-arranging my sewing room (again!)...

On the one hand emotional...and the other frustrated. I need more space!

Back to house hunting in the New Year I think!

Once Valentines Day is done and dusted. Yep...Christmas hasn't come yet and I'm already planning for the next special date in the calendar! Well...I have got a window display to prepare for!

Designs all done...I've just got to get working on them. Which is why I need more space for sewing!

In the meantime...I've collected more cushion covers to get making. And I thought I'd be taking a break over Christmas. Ha!

Here's one from the last batch I finished...

...with a denim backing.

Right...back to re-arranging furniture. Yippeeee!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 20 December 2013

A Christmas Cake

I visited the 'In Stitches' exhibition at the Burton Art Gallery in Bideford with my Mum today...

Wow...there were some amazing examples of hand stitching on the quilts! Some machine stitched...but mainly hand stitched.

There was a good combination of contemporary and traditional style too. Someone had quilted clothes onto their quilt. What a great idea!

I feel inspired now to finish my Meme's Quilt. After Christmas...need a break first!

Two days ago my Mum phoned...could she pop down for a visit with my nieces...they have a present for me.

They had made a Christmas cake...

...with two little snowmen on top.

One is me and the other is Mr C! How sweet and thoughtful!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 19 December 2013

Horse Cushion...part 6

After the meeting at Furniture Magpie last night...

I couldn't sleep...I kept dreaming about sewing and waking up! I was wide awake by the time my alarm went off at 6.

Which was good as I had an appointment at 7.50 am then another meeting...over coffee this time...with Sam at Furniture Magpie to talk about my business plans for the first 6 months of next year...and to discuss and work on an exclusive line for the shop....and plan the shop window display for Valentines Day!


I practically ran home to start planning and preparing!

Here's my make of the day...

The sixth and final horse cushion for Furniture Magpie.

For now at least...

This one has a floral background.

The same as the Alice in Wonderland cushion cover I made for the shop. Sold! Within days of me making it!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Horse Cushion...part 5

Not long got back from a meeting at Furniture Magpie...

Exciting stuff...making plans for next year...and meeting other new local businesses.

Another meeting planned for 8 tomorrow morning...then one on Monday night.

Watch out 2014!!

Here's my make of the day.

Another horse cushion...

This time with a denim backing.

Three of these flew out the door today. More already on order for me to make!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Horse Cushion...part 4

A blissful day spent Christmas shopping with Mr C today...

...starting with a trip to Furniture Magpie to drop off more cushion covers...and see the new display for my collection. Looking good!

Then off we drove to Exeter. First stop...breakfast...then we sorted of got distracted by DVDs...of musicals. One for me...and about 10 for him. He surprises me sometimes! Then on with the real shopping...I cannot wait until my nieces see what we got them!

So...here's one of the cushion covers I made for Furniture Magpie.

...this time with a silky soft grey backing material.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 16 December 2013

Horse Cushion...part 3

Here's my make of the day...

A Horse Cushion for Furniture Magpie.

This time backed with a checked wool.

I thought it brought out the colours on the rosettes.

That's about as far as my horse knowledge goes!

Early to bed for me...Mr C and me are going Christmas shopping!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 15 December 2013

A Love-spoon...Key-ring

Something different as a make today...

...for me at least. I haven't done cross stitch on plastic canvas before. So today I had a go and made...

A Love-spoon key-ring.

The pattern was in Cross Stitcher magazine. The Summer holiday edition.

Think I've got my seasons mixed up. Summer in winter...Christmas in summer.

Hey ho. Or should I say...Ho Ho Ho! Hmm...time to go now I think...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 14 December 2013

Two Little Birds...sitting in a tree...

Here's my make of the day...

Two Little Birds...sitting in a tree.

They're Tilda inspired from one of the Christmas books.

I haven't added any decorations or ribbon to them yet...see The case of the disappearing ink... for an example...as I'm now thinking I may make a line of them for a hanging decoration. Hmm...I have an idea!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 13 December 2013

A Truly Basic Handbag

Another trip tonight...the other night was a trip to outer space...this time...we're going back in time...

...to when I was 10 or 11...sat in my bedroom...with some scraps of material...determined to make a set of luggage for my Sindy doll. Matching luggage. She was a chic girl who liked to travel in style. With a shoe collection to die for!

Hand sewn luggage too. No time to setting up my sewing machine...I was eager to get making.

As I said...scraps of material...and some thread were all I had. I had to be inventive.

So here goes...one of the bags I made. It's about 1 inch squared with a handle made with a piece of thread.

I guess even a skilled and experienced sewer has to start somewhere!

What it did though...is give me an appreciation for material. Beautiful...tactile...material.

No more geometric patterned nylon for me!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 12 December 2013

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Bespoke Order

Maybe I should put *Spoiler Alert* on this post...

Sweet Gardenia Rose...Bespoke Order

...as...on Christmas Day someone will be unwrapping their present to find this bespoke picture made just for them.

Ah...moments like those make me so happy I've decided go for it and share my passion for sewing.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

p.s. I've uploaded the picture for yesterday's post.

An Astronaut with a Bad Habit...

Oh my...4 minutes to go before the midnight deadline...and counting!

It's a bit like 10...9....8...7.... ...... and lift off!

I was given this book as a child. Somehow I seem to have 2 copies ? ...

Anyway... I never made any of the dolls as there were too many things you needed to have to make any of them...and I didn't find the instructions that clear either.

So...for the 365 day challenge...I set myself the challenge to make one of the dolls.

I decided on the Astronaut.

I can only say that this is definitely a book of it's time...the 70's...as I doubt you would now find on a list of things you need to make the doll...wait for it...a cigarette packet!

Photo of doll to follow tomorrow...minus space helmet...I will explain all then!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday...12th December 2013

Events conspired against me yesterday to get my blog done until the very last moments before midnight.

Happy events...phone calls from friends...an unexpected visit from my best friend.

It sure tested my writing skills! 4 minutes until the daily deadline and I hadn't even thought about what I was going to write. Good job I didn't get writer's block...though to be honest that rarely happens...I always seem to have plenty to say :)

I hadn't even decided on the 'Make of the Day'. Which is why there was no photo of the doll.

I made him a few weeks ago...and mentioned him in one of my posts. With the best of intentions I want to finish him...but I can't find a football to make...perhaps the most important item for a Spaceman...his Space Helmet.

So for now...he looks like this...

Poor funny looking thing...

Not being a smoker...or know anyone who smokes...I don't have the 'empty cigarette packet' that's suggested in the 'you will need' list. So...he's also without his oxygen tank.

Perhaps best put any trips into outer space on hold for now then...

Nic xx

Tuesday 10 December 2013

A Pincushion

When I was hunting for the calendar for yesterday's post...

...I came across this pincushion tucked away in my present box...

...given to me as a free gift by one of my material suppliers.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 9 December 2013

A Christmas Calendar full of Happy Memories

A few years ago..or it could have been more...

...I was shopping with my friend on a trip to see her in Norway. I found some great calendars...black card...a cover page...then 12 pages with white writing for the names of the months...with space at the top of each page to attach a photo...and a calendar with room to add appointments.

I bought one each for my Mum...sister...and close friends.

When I got home I set to finding photos that would be special and relevant to each person.

Most of them had to be scanned...then I gave them a picture frame edging...before printing and attaching them into each calendar. Then I gave each photo a title...writing it next to the photo in silver ink...and glued swirls of sparkly green glitter onto each page.

For an special finish....I wrote everyone's birthday into each calendar.

I thought I still had a blank calendar to show you...but if I do...it's hiding somewhere and not willing to give up it's hiding place. I'll post a picture of my Mum's...when I remind her...again...to find it for me :) Rather than wait...I thought I would show you some of the photos...and...if you think it's a good idea for a gift you still have time to get making!

A field of sunflowers. My favourite flowers.
On a trip to see the racing stables and auction houses in Newmarket. On on my birthday with a friend.

A rare picture of My Dad, Mum, sister and me together.

A family holiday in Devon before we moved here to live.

My Grandma and Grandad...my Mum's parents...on a trip to Cumbria with my sister. They wanted to show us where my Mum and uncles grew up.

I love this picture!


I've made a few trips...and used to have Italian lessons.

I'm looking forward to my eldest niece studying Italian when she starts high school next year. I'll get to practice my Italian again!

Me...under a giant daffodil in the park in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Me...under a beautiful tree absolutely laden with cherry blossom.

To remind my Mum about a weekend we spent together in Cambridge...where we saw a similar tree outside Kings College Chapel.

A ffjord in Norway...on the way to...

...my friend's summer house in Norway. Built by her Grandad.


...where we got the chance to be pulled around the Ffjord...by a speed boat...sat in a rubber ring! Great fun!

The perfect Christmas tree...a Norwegian Fir.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 8 December 2013

A Silky Chocolate Dress

Somehow I think I'm going to be just as busy next year as I've been this year...

...as here is another project that's not quite finished...

A silky chocolate brown version of 'The must-have dress'...which due to the age of the pattern is no longer 'must-have' as much as 'must get it finished so I can wear it!'

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 7 December 2013

Noah's Wife

The ideas are flowing...

We haven't even got through Christmas and I'm already getting excited about Valentines Day!

My calendar is turning upside down!

Here's my make of the day...Noah's Wife.

She belongs with Noah...from The 30 Year Project...my very first blog post.

I've kept her separate as...well...if you look at Noah and the Ark...she doesn't really look like she belongs on there...

I think the pattern makers just thought it would be nice to put a dolly on the Ark.

Anyway...here she being cheeky showing off her all-in-one underwear!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx