Saturday 30 March 2013

A Tissue Holder

I think the plague is fading. The antibiotics are doing their job. Yippppeeeee!

I've even made it out the house for a couple of hours. Mr C and me made the most of the sunshine and went for a walk along the sea front. Freedom!

Think I've shared my germs...he's been sneezing...

Lucky for him...and me...I carry a supply of tissues in my lovely tissue holder.

A frog theme for a Froggiac of course! (for my blog readers who are new to this term see A Frog Jumper for a Froggiac for an explanation).

Made by the same friend who made An Angelic Pot Holder...part 1 and An Angelic Pot Holder...part 2.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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