Saturday 23 March 2013

A Heart with Angel Wings

Mr C came over this afternoon with a slice of cheesecake from the local cake shop and a selection of films for me to watch while he hits the town tonight.

It's a Boys Night to celebrate the retirement of a Firefighter. No doubt copious amounts of alcohol will be drank. He'll need dutch courage to carry off the shirt he was trying to hide under his coat...for the LOUD shirt theme. What I want to know is...what is he doing owning a shirt like that in the first place??

Well, the lurgy is still in full force... so I'm sat here surrounded by tissues sneezing away. Such an attractive sight... probably better Mr C isn't here to witness it....and the tears...I decided to watch 'Always'. It's a real sentimental weepy film. All about firefighting and pilots. Hmm...I might watch an uplifting gangster movie next...

Here's another Tilda inspired Heart with Wings.

It hangs in my bedroom with the heart I made for Mr C in A Heart for Valentines.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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