Sunday 17 March 2013

A Love of Food...on Paper

Its been a lovely day, spent visiting family and friends. Then dinner with Mr C and his sister in an old fashioned restaurant by the sea. I'm so full...

Here's my first attempt at decoupage.

When I was little I found a box shaped like a treasure trove in a craft shop. It caught my attention. What could I use it for?

I cut out lots of pictures of food and glued them onto the box.

I was very economical with my time by the looks of it. I only did the parts you can see from the outside.

Just the right size to keep all my Sindy kitchen equipment, crockery and cutlery.

Hmm...which are not in the photo. Think I need to work on putting more context and perspective in my photos...and start having fun with my photography!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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