Friday 15 March 2013

1970s Retro Revival

During my career I've been responsible for managing teams and business lines. Running your own business is different though. You have to start from scratch. Putting in systems that you take for granted when you work for someone else. I've had to go back to basics and learn things again and find out how things will affect MY business.

Going to the local Enterprise Clubs has enabled me to do this. To any of you who are considering setting up a business, or who are already running their business and want some support, I absolutely recommend going.  I've met some great people by going. Some are now friends. Importantly, I have learnt LOADS.

I read a lot of business and self development books too! Have I learnt a lot about myself...

Two nights ago I went to the monthly meeting. There was a guest speaker (there often is) who gave 10 tips on how to run a successful business.

One of those steps is discipline. Eek! How to be disciplined and still keep the creative juices flowing? THE best way is to have a weekly timetable. Yep, just like the one you had at school! You timetable in all the things you need to do to run your business: business planning; sales; marketing; systems. Everything. Mine includes sewing. A timetable where I spend hours sewing. Bliss!

It has definitely been a Retro day... though I like to think my school timetables only happened in the '80s...

My Mum gave me this pattern that she had used herself.

I remember her dress. It was light blue with a pale white cross pattern on it. Nylon I think. Lovely. Well, it was the 70's!

I used the pattern to make a top rather than use it for a dress. Instead of putting a zipper in the front I used buttons. I even made them myself.

I no longer have the top. I have a (good) habit of giving things to charity.

This is the only picture I have of it. Ahem, about 20 years ago...

Right, it's back to my timetable for me. I'm even ahead of schedule! Wow. This discipline thing works!

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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