Sunday 31 March 2013

Chocolate & Banana Bread

Happy Easter everyone! I hope you've all got lots of Easter Eggs to eat!

This isn't an Easter recipe, but there is chocolate in it.

I often make Banana bread to use up any bananas that are going a bit soft.

This time I added melted chocolate to the mix.

The photo doesn't do it justice. It was delicious. The melted chocolate makes it really moist. Experiment. It's worth it!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 30 March 2013

A Tissue Holder

I think the plague is fading. The antibiotics are doing their job. Yippppeeeee!

I've even made it out the house for a couple of hours. Mr C and me made the most of the sunshine and went for a walk along the sea front. Freedom!

Think I've shared my germs...he's been sneezing...

Lucky for him...and me...I carry a supply of tissues in my lovely tissue holder.

A frog theme for a Froggiac of course! (for my blog readers who are new to this term see A Frog Jumper for a Froggiac for an explanation).

Made by the same friend who made An Angelic Pot Holder...part 1 and An Angelic Pot Holder...part 2.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 29 March 2013

The Plague Doctor

Its true...I have the plague...okay, maybe not the plague. Just a virus. A horrible virus with a never ending supply of the green stuff...all blocked in my head. Yuk. Yuk. Yuk.

I've spent the past week in bed. Which is quite something because I don't give in to these things easily. I finally made it out my home yesterday for a 5 minute walk to the doctor. I nearly keeled over in reception with the exertion! craft fair for me tomorrow. With the cold weather I dare not risk standing outside for any length of time. Very frustrating as I've worked so hard for it. It's just one of those things though.

I'm now waiting for the antibiotics to do their stuff so I can get back into action after the weekend.

Here's a Plague Doctor costume I made for my Dad.

Not the average request for a costume...

He was a member of The Sealed Knot. A charity that does battle re-enactments. Often large scale with horses and cannons. It brought into play his medical experience, his love of history and attention to detail. He loved it!

Normally he would play the part of the Barber Surgeon. The surgeon looked after the solders during battle time. Then he moved on to the Plague Doctor. He had the mask made and asked me to create the costume to go with it.

The mask is made of dark red leather. There are small circles of glass to see through. It has a long pointed nose with small openings underneath the nose which the doctor could breathe through. The nose would be filled with straw to filter the air and scented spices and leaves to make the air smell sweeter. At the back of the mask were holes to lace through leather cording to hold it into place.

To make the costume I used an old operating theatre gown as a template. I sewed a large red cross on the front. The cross is hidden by the 'scarf' used to ensure there was no gap between the mask and the gown. You wouldn't want any germs to sneak in anywhere when dealing with the plague!

To finish the costume off was a white stick. Used to examine the victims so the doctor didn't have to touch them himself!

Sadly I have to use the past tense when talking about my Dad. He died a few years after I made this costume. We donated all the things he had collected to a young person who was involved in the charity and shown an interest in the role. The costume lives on!

Google Image 'The Plague Doctor'. I dare you. It's the stuff of nightmares...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 28 March 2013

The Easter Bunny's Toy Goose

Here's the Easter Bunny's little Toy Goose...

I made an improvement to the Tilda pattern. Well, I like to think its an improvement...

You are only supposed to sew buttons on either side of the goose. When I did this the goose wouldn't stand independently.

So, I unpicked my sewing. Not my favourite thing to do... I glued a small piece of wood between the two front buttons and one between the two back buttons. I sewed the goose securely onto it's new axles. Now its a proper pull-a-long toy!

Now the Easter Bunny and it's Toy Goose live happily in Norway...

They've joined the goose from A Flight of Fancy!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 27 March 2013

An Easter Bunny

I said yesterday that I would move to an Easter theme today...

Here's an Easter Bunny from Tilda's 'Crafting Springtime Gifts' book.

I've been on a hunt...a bit like an Easter Egg hunt...for all the photos I took of her...I took loads...but they seem to have disappeared... Still, I have these ones for you.

Ironically, the day I move onto an Easter starts snowing!!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 26 March 2013

A Dress of Red Felt

Thought I would keep with the miniature clothing line today...

Here's a red felt dress. It has a gold braid threaded through the dress.

Same as the Sparkly Jumper from yesterday, it hangs from it's own mini coat hanger on my Christmas tree each year.

I think Tilda's 'Sew Pretty Christmas Homestyle' is my most used sewing book. Which is probably why I'm still writing about Christmas makes...when everything Easter is being advertised on TV!

An Easter project tomorrow then...

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 25 March 2013

A Sparkly Jumper

Back to weather girl duties today...

I may not have braved the weather outside but I can tell its cold out there! Everyone walking past my home today has been walking fast, huddled against the cold. Well, except those out running. One runner was wearing shorts. That's dedication!

Yep, I'm still inside...wrapped up warm...sneezing away...

Here's a mini jumper from Tilda's 'Sew Pretty Christmas Homestyle' book.

It has blanket stitch edging and sparkly jewels for decoration.

It hangs on my Christmas tree on a mini coat hanger.

I love projects like these. A quick sense of achievement.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 24 March 2013

A Miniature Heart

Well, Mr C had a good time last night...and has spent the day snoozing on my settee...while I've been sat coughing and spluttering.

Somehow...he has still managed to take control of my TV I'm now watching a program about firefighting...hmm...

Here's a Tilda inspired heart.

It's a miniature heart for a miniature Christmas tree.

There's a few more of these to come.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 23 March 2013

A Heart with Angel Wings

Mr C came over this afternoon with a slice of cheesecake from the local cake shop and a selection of films for me to watch while he hits the town tonight.

It's a Boys Night to celebrate the retirement of a Firefighter. No doubt copious amounts of alcohol will be drank. He'll need dutch courage to carry off the shirt he was trying to hide under his coat...for the LOUD shirt theme. What I want to know is...what is he doing owning a shirt like that in the first place??

Well, the lurgy is still in full force... so I'm sat here surrounded by tissues sneezing away. Such an attractive sight... probably better Mr C isn't here to witness it....and the tears...I decided to watch 'Always'. It's a real sentimental weepy film. All about firefighting and pilots. Hmm...I might watch an uplifting gangster movie next...

Here's another Tilda inspired Heart with Wings.

It hangs in my bedroom with the heart I made for Mr C in A Heart for Valentines.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 22 March 2013

A Patient Wooden Bird

Wouldn't you know it...I've come down with the frustrating! My schedule for the craft fair is going awry...

My positive attitude yesterday that I would be full of renewed energy may not have quite gone to plan for today. Here's hoping it works for tomorrow!

My Mum is a retired nurse. When we were little one of the patients she looked after gave me and my sister one of these birds each.

It's a small hand painted paper mache Christmas Tree decoration.

Each year he is carefully unwrapped from the tissue paper he is kept in and given pride of place in my tree.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 21 March 2013

A Snail's Pace...

I was forging ahead so well with getting ready for the craft fair...

and then today I've come down with a cold so gone the pace of a snail...

This Fimo snail has such a cheeky face!

Early night tonight I think.

Tomorrow is a new day...with renewed energy I hope!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Heart with Wings

I'm beginning to realise what a big task preparing for your first craft fair is...its BIG! Exciting but big.

I was up at 6.30 am this morning and haven't really stopped since...the day seems to have whizzed by in a haze of choosing material, ironing, cutting, laying my designs out on the front room floor to see where I'm up to. The floor is completely covered...its tiptoe room only.

My shop supplies are ordered and on their way...tissue paper...sticky labels. All the lovely things that are important for customer service. Things are beginning to fall into place.

Here's a Heart with Wings. I made it for a friend a couple of Christmas' ago.

Its a Tilda design. Actually, the material is Tilda too.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Pens for the Memory!

It's a day of studying today. I'm off to a local hotel to attend a course on running a business. Its amazing how much help is out there...for free too!

Here's a pot my friend's Mum made for me. She goes to loads of different craft courses. Her home is full of art and ceramic work she's made.

The pattern is made it by rolling clay over a patterned place mat.

So easy to do and so effective.

Now it holds my funny pens, pencils, rulers, bookmarks...and a windmill...that I seem to have collected.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Monday 18 March 2013

A Restored Shipping Box

Yesterday you got to see my first attempt at decoupage (A Love of Food...on Paper). Here's my next attempt...

About 20 years ago I was given a wooden box to restore. It was very darkly varnished and had a picture of an old sailing ship on it. I wish I had taken a picture of it before making any alterations to it...

I found some wrapping paper in the National Trust shop I thought would be good to use on the box. It was made up of a collection of different Victorian style pictures.

I sanded down the box, painted it in Duck Egg Blue.

I added a new handle to the front of the box and painted it, the handles either side of the box and the corner clasps in gold.

Then I spent hours cutting the wrapping paper up into pieces and rearranged them to cover each side of the box.

A woman, wearing what looks like a toga, was cut out and placed on the top of the box and between each corner clasp.

One on the left...

and one on the right.

I added a layer of felt to the inside rim of the lid so it closes softly...and quietly.

Originally I had painted the box cream and completely covered it with paper...

with not a glimpse of paint showing.

Not sure if I made the right decision? What do you think? Sometimes I guess its down to personal choice...and then sometimes your taste changes...

I still have some wrapping paper left if I change my mind again...

Now the box sits in my bedroom with blankets sat on top of it, including the quilt from Duck Eggs, Flowers & Birds.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Sunday 17 March 2013

A Love of Food...on Paper

Its been a lovely day, spent visiting family and friends. Then dinner with Mr C and his sister in an old fashioned restaurant by the sea. I'm so full...

Here's my first attempt at decoupage.

When I was little I found a box shaped like a treasure trove in a craft shop. It caught my attention. What could I use it for?

I cut out lots of pictures of food and glued them onto the box.

I was very economical with my time by the looks of it. I only did the parts you can see from the outside.

Just the right size to keep all my Sindy kitchen equipment, crockery and cutlery.

Hmm...which are not in the photo. Think I need to work on putting more context and perspective in my photos...and start having fun with my photography!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Saturday 16 March 2013

Caterpillar in an Apple

It's all go today! Getting ready for my first craft fair! There is material all over the place...

In the middle of it all my Farm Box has just arrived. Lovely fresh fruit, vegetables and dairy produce. The delivery guys are so good they take it straight through to the kitchen for you.

Well, they would...if it wasn't full with my ironing board...templates...material...

So, the boxes of veggies are sat in my front room...and...the material is in the kitchen...

Mr C is on his way over to make me lunch... think maybe I better get things back in order or I'll be eating cold soup. Eek!

It's a Fimo apple for today...

Though I hope I don't find one of these little fellows in my fruit!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Friday 15 March 2013

1970s Retro Revival

During my career I've been responsible for managing teams and business lines. Running your own business is different though. You have to start from scratch. Putting in systems that you take for granted when you work for someone else. I've had to go back to basics and learn things again and find out how things will affect MY business.

Going to the local Enterprise Clubs has enabled me to do this. To any of you who are considering setting up a business, or who are already running their business and want some support, I absolutely recommend going.  I've met some great people by going. Some are now friends. Importantly, I have learnt LOADS.

I read a lot of business and self development books too! Have I learnt a lot about myself...

Two nights ago I went to the monthly meeting. There was a guest speaker (there often is) who gave 10 tips on how to run a successful business.

One of those steps is discipline. Eek! How to be disciplined and still keep the creative juices flowing? THE best way is to have a weekly timetable. Yep, just like the one you had at school! You timetable in all the things you need to do to run your business: business planning; sales; marketing; systems. Everything. Mine includes sewing. A timetable where I spend hours sewing. Bliss!

It has definitely been a Retro day... though I like to think my school timetables only happened in the '80s...

My Mum gave me this pattern that she had used herself.

I remember her dress. It was light blue with a pale white cross pattern on it. Nylon I think. Lovely. Well, it was the 70's!

I used the pattern to make a top rather than use it for a dress. Instead of putting a zipper in the front I used buttons. I even made them myself.

I no longer have the top. I have a (good) habit of giving things to charity.

This is the only picture I have of it. Ahem, about 20 years ago...

Right, it's back to my timetable for me. I'm even ahead of schedule! Wow. This discipline thing works!

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

Thursday 14 March 2013

A Mini Angel

I've had a day full of trying to find things that seem to have hidden themselves...sorting out my printer...the list goes on...

In an attempt to get the creative juices flowing again I've just made myself a cup of tea and heated up a mini syrup sponge. That's my excuse anyway. Best not tell Mr's his...mine was eaten a long time ago...

Here's a Mini Angel I made for my friend's Christmas present.

She's from the 'Tilda's Winder Ideas' magazine.

She's just about the height of my sewing machine.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx