Friday 8 February 2013

Tudor Jewellery

My eldest niece is doing a school project on the Tudors. She's prepared a PowerPoint presentation all about Henry VIII and his wives, and information on food and fashion of that period.

Its a fascinating time in history, if quite dark. I love the clothes they wore. The materials were rich and beautiful. When my niece asked if she could use my tailors dummy to make a Tudor costume it was a definite yes.

Last Saturday we searched the charity shops for material we could use. We found some old curtains that are perfect.

We also found a bag of odd bits of jewellery for the amazing price of £3.50. There was a life-time supply of beads and trinkets that she can use for all sorts of projects.

We made this necklace by adding some wooden beads to a string of pearls.

A green bead was added to complement the green of the gown.

Tomorrow we're going to make the gown itself. The design is all done.

The tailors dummy is ready and waiting.

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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