Monday 18 February 2013

An Angelic Pot Holder...part 2

Well, me and Mr C didn't make it to Cornwall yesterday. Instead we opted for South Devon. Burgh Island for beach and sunshine then onto Dartmouth for a look around the shops. We would have taken a trip on the river but tea and cake called me!

Thought I would share some photos of our trip...

Burgh Island is tiny. To get to it you have to drive down lots of small country roads. It's worth the drive.

It has an art deco hotel, where Noel Coward has stayed, and an inn built in 1336.

Its most famous for it's links with Agatha Christie.

When the tide is high you can only get to and from the island by this strange contraption... it's a sea tractor.

Then back in the car to Dartmouth.
Dartmouth has some amazing little independent shops. I came back refreshed and inspired and knowing I'm on the right track for my business! I just need to get a move on and get it set up!

Here's the second pot holder my friend made me...

I love this angel's hair. And her smiley face of course!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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