Wednesday 20 February 2013

A Plastic Foot

I was so engrossed in organising photos for my blog that I lost track of time! It's late and nearly time for the email to be sent out to any of you who have subscribed to receive my blog by email. Eek!

In that time I've forgotten to have tea. How??? I love my food! And my feet are nearly frozen through. In desperate need of a hot water bottle I think. I must have been engrossed!

Keeping to the subject of's a foot I made in my first year of high school.

It was a brush but unfortunately the bristles started coming unstuck. Why didn't I think of gluing them back in? Hmm...I am prone to ditzy moments!

I made it by gluing layers of coloured plastic together...

...before cutting the shape of the foot by using a template. Holes were drilled for the bristles. Lots of time was then put into sanding and polishing the filed edges to make the foot nice and smooth.

Right, off to get some food. I'm starving!

Until tomorrow,
Nic xx

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